Charles H. Woolbert Research Award

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NCA Awards for Outstanding Scholarship 2016

The Woolbert Award is named in honor of one of the field’s earliest and most distinguished scholars. The award is given to a journal article or book chapter that has stood the test of time and has become a stimulus for new conceptualizations of communication phenomena. The award will be reserved for an article or book chapter that at the time of the award is in at least its 10th year in print. Nominations will be considered for two years. Previous winners of NCA awards are eligible.

Year Award Winner
2023 Patrice M. Buzzanell, “Gaining a Voice: Feminist Organizational Communication Theorizing,” published in Management Communication Quarterly in 1994
2022 Ronald L. Jackson II, “Cultural Contracts Theory: Toward an Understanding of Identity Negotiation,” published in Communication Quarterly in 2002
2021 Lisa A. Flores, “Creating Discursive Space through a Rhetoric of Difference: Chicana Feminists Craft a Homeland,” published in Quarterly Journal of Speech in 1996.
2020 Mohan Dutta, “Communicating about Culture and Health: Theorizing Culture-Centered and Cultural Sensitivity Approaches,” published in Communication Theory in 2007.
2019 Sarah J. Tracy and Angela Trethewey, “Fracturing the Real-Self ↔ Fake-Self Dichotomy: Moving Toward Crystallized Organizational Identities,” published in Communication Theory in 2005.”
2018 Denise Huanani Solomon and Leanne K. Knobloch, “A model of relational turbulence. The role of intimacy, relational uncertainty, and interference from partners in appraisals of irritations,” published in Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 21(2004): 795-816.
2017 Raka Shome, National University of Singapore, and Radha S. Hegde, New York University, “Postcolonial Approaches to Communication: Charting the Terrain, Engaging the Intersections,” published in Communication Theory 12(2002): 249-270.
2016 Edward Schiappa, Peter B. Gregg, and Dean E. Hewes, “The parasocial contact hypothesis.” Communication Monographs 72 (2005): 95-118.
2015 Erika L. Kirby & Kathleen J. Krone, “‘The Policy Exists but You Can’t Really Use it:’ Communication and the Structuration of Work-Family Policies.” Journal of Applied Communication Research 30 (2002): 50-77.
2014 Carolyn Ellis & Arthur P. Bochner, “Autoethnography, Personal Narrative, Reflexivity: Researcher as Subject.” In Handbook of Qualitative Research, edited by Norman B. Denzin & Yvonna S. Lincoln (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 2000), 733-768.
2013 Ronald Greene, “Another Materialist Rhetoric.” Critical Studies in Mass Communication 15 (1998): 21-40.
2012 John Louis Lucaites, “Visualizing ‘The People’: Individualism vs. Collectivism in Let Us Now Praise Famous Men.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 83 (1997): 269-288.
2011 Malcolm Parks & Kory Floyd, “Making Friends in Cyberspace.” Journal of Communication 46 (1996): 80-97.
2010 Dennis K. Mumby, “Modernism, Postmodernism, and Communication Studies: A Rereading of an Ongoing Debate.” Communication Theory 7 (1997): 1-28.
2009 Joseph Walther, “Computer Mediated Communication: Impersonal, Interpersonal and Hyperpersonal Interaction.” Communication Research 23 (1996): 3-43.
2008 Kent Ono & John M. Sloop, “The Critique of Vernacular Discourse.” Communication Monographs 62 (1995): 19-46.
2007 Thomas K. Nakayama & Robert L. Krizek, “Whiteness: A Strategic Rhetoric.” Quarterly Journal of Speech, 81 (1995): 291-309.
2006 Carole Blair, Julie Brown, & Leslie Baxter, “Disciplining the Feminine.”  Quarterly Journal of Speech 80, (1994): 383-409.
2005 Robert Entman, “Framing: Toward Clarification of a Fractured Paradigm,” Journal of Communication 43 (1993): 51-58.
2004 Lawrence Grossberg, “Cultural Studies and/in New Worlds,” Critical Studies in Mass Communication 10 (1993) 1-22.
2003 Austin S. Babrow, “Communication and Problematic Integration: Understanding Diverging Probability and Value, Ambiguity, Ambivalence, and Impossibility.” Communication Theory 2 (1992): 95-130.
2002 Joseph B. Walther, “Interpersonal Effects in Computer-Mediated Interaction: A Relational Perspective.” Communication Research 19 (1992): 52-90.
2001 Raymie E. McKerrow, “Critical Rhetoric: Theory and Praxis.” Communication Monographs 56 (1989): 91-111.
2000 Maurice Charland, “Constitutive Rhetoric: The Case of the Peuple Québécois.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 73 (1987): 133-150.
1999 Robert Hariman, “Status, Marginality, and Rhetorical Theory.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 72 (1986): 38-54.
1998 Judee Burgoon and Jerold Hale, “The Fundamental Topoi of Relational Communication.” Communication Monographs 51 (1984): 193-214.
1997 Michael Osborn, “Rhetorical Depiction.” In Form, Genre, and the Study of Political Discourse, edited by Herbert W. Simons & Aram A. Aghazarian (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1986), 79-107.
1996 Malcolm R. Parks, “Ideology in Interpersonal Communication: Off the Couch and Into the World.” Communication Yearbook 5 (1982): 79-107.
1995 Sally A. Jackson & Scott Jacobs, “Generalizing About Messages: Suggestions for Design & Analysis of Experiments.” Human Communication Research 9 (1983): 169-181.
1994 John O. Greene, “A Cognitive Approach to Human Communication: An Action Assembly Theory.” Communication Monographs 51 (1984): 288-306.
1993 Linda L. Putnam, “The Interpretive Perspective: An Alternative to Functionalism.” Communication and Organizations: An Interpretive Approach, edited by Linda L. Putnam & Michael E. Pacanowsky (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage, 1983), 31-54.
1992 G. Thomas Goodnight, “The Personal, Technical, and Public Spheres of Argument.” Journal of the American Forensics Association 18 (1982): 214-227.
1991 John M. Wiemann, “Explication and Text of a Model of Communication Competence.” Human Communication Research 3 (1977): 195-213.
1990 Thomas B. Farrell, “Knowledge, Consensus and Rhetorical Theory.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 62 (1976): 1-14.
1989 Gerald Miller, Frank Boster, Michael Roloff, & David Seibold, “Compliance-Gaining Message Strategies: A Typology and Some Findings Concerning Effects of Situational Differences.” Communication Monographs 44 (1977): 27-51.
1988 L. Edna Rogers & Richard V. Farace, “Analysis of Relational Communication in Dyads: New Measurement Procedures.” Human Communication Research 1 (1975): 222-239.
1987 Karlyn K. Campbell, “The Rhetoric of Women’s Liberation: An Oxymoron.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 59 (1973): 74-86.
1986 Daniel O’Keefe, “Logical Empiricism & The Study of Human Communication.” Speech Monographs 42 (1975): 169-183.
1985 Michael Leff & G. P. Mohrmann, “Lincoln at Cooper Union: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Text.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 60 (1974): 346-458; and “Lincoln at Cooper Union: A Rationale for Neo-Classical Criticism.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 60 (1974): 459-467.
1984 Roderick Hart & Don Burks, “Rhetorical Sensitivity & Social Interaction.” Speech Monographs 39 (1972): 75-91
1983 Ernest Bormann, “Fantasy & Rhetorical Vision: The Rhetorical Criticism of Social Reality.” Quarterly Journal of Speech 58 (1972): 396-407.
1982 Donald Cushman & Gordon Whiting, “An Approach to Communication Theory: Toward Consensus on Rules.” Journal of Communication 22 (1972): 217-238
1981 Robert Scott, “On Viewing Rhetoric as Epistemic.” Central States Speech Communication Journal 18 (1967): 9-17.