Communication and Aging Division
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Interest Group Awards
Listed here are awards given by the Interest Group to its members. Interests Groups are smaller communities within NCA’s large membership that provide a range of resources including networking opportunities, Annual Convention programming, leadership opportunities, awards, and specialized information dissemination channels, among others.
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Outstanding Book Award
Year | Award Winner |
2023 | Howard Giles, Jessica Gasiorek, Shardé M. Davis, & Jane Giles, Communication for Successful Aging: Empowering Individuals Across the Lifespan |
2020 | Peter M. Kellett & Jennifer M. Hawkins, Women’s Narratives of Health Disruption and Illness: Within and Across Their Life Stories |
2018 | Carla L. Fisher |
2015 Inaugural Winner | Coupland, Coupland, and Giles, Language, Society, and Elderly |
Outstanding Journal Article Award
Year | Award Winner |
2023 | T. J. Thomson, Alex Phan, Sarah Holland-Batt, Jen Seevinck, Evonne Miller, & Sam Regi, “Who or What Gets Referenced by Whom, How Often, and in Which Ways? Exploring Journalists’ Sourcing Practices in the Context of Aged Care Coverage,” published in Journalism Practice in 2023. |
2022 | TJ Thomson, Evonne Miller, Sarah Holland-Batt, Jen Seevinck, & Sam Regi, “Visibility and invisibility in the aged care sector: Visual representation in Australian news from 2018-2021” published in Media International Australia in 2021. |
2021 | No award given |
2020 | Craig Fowler, Jessica Gasiorek, & Howard Giles, “The Role of Communication in Aging Well: Introducing the Communicative Ecology Model of Successful Aging” |
2017 | Lindsey B. Anderson and Melanie Morgan (2017) “An Examination of Nurses’ Intergenerational Communicative Experiences in the Workplace: Do Nurses Eat Their Young?” Communication Quarterly, 65(4), 377-401. |
2015 Inaugural Winner | Ellen B. Ryan, Howard Giles, Giampiero Bartolucci, & Karen Henwood Ryan, E. B., Giles, H., Bartolucci, G., & Henwood, K. (1986). Psycholinguistic and social psychological components of communication by and with the elderly. Language and Communication, 6, 1-24. |
Outstanding Dissertation Award
Year | Award Winner |
2021 | Brett Robertson, University of Texas at Austin, “Developing Resilience Through Communication and Community: Natural Disaster Preparedness in Retirement Communities” |
2019 | Weston Wiebe |
2018 | Camella J. Rising, Ph.D. |
2017 | Patricia Gettings, “Understanding the Communicative Process of Baby Boomer Women Adjusting to Reitrement: Connecting Micro and Macro Discourses” |
2015 | Danielle Catona, Rutgers University, “Active Involvement: Developing an Intervention that Actively Engages Older Adults in Fall Prevention Message Planning” |
2014 | Lauren Amaro, Arizona State University, “Dyadic Outcomes of Gratitude Exchange Between Family Caregivers and their Siblings” |
2014 | Lindsey Anderson, Purdue University, “There Goes Another Little Chip of Your Heart: Exploring the Intersections of Communication, Emotional Labor, and Age” |
2011 | Charles Choi, University of California, Santa Barbara, “Young Adults’ Perceptions of Communication with Intra- and Intergenerational Targets across the Lifespan: A Cross-Cultural Comparison between the USA and Mongolia” |
2010 | Pamela Kennedy, University of Kansas, “Intergenerational and Peer Communication in the Workplace: An Analysis of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction” |
2009 | Jill Yamasaki, Texas A&M University, “Community Connectedness and Long-Term Care in Late Life: A Narrative Analysis of Successful Aging in a Small Town” |
2008 | Carla Fisher, Pennsylvania State University, “Communicative Adjustment to Breast Cancer across the Life Span: Mother-Adult Daughter Communication after a Breast Cancer Diagnosis” |
2007 | Naomi Bell Cornman O’Neil, The Ohio State University, “Socialization of Grandchildren by their Grandparents about the Attitudes and Beliefs of Love and Marriage” |
2006 | Jordan Soliz, University of Kansas, “Shared Family Identity, Age Salience, and Intergroup Contact: Investigation of the Grandparent–Grandchild Relationship” |
2005 | Robert McCann, University of California, Santa Barbara, “Intra- and Intergenerational Communication in the Workplace: Perspectives from Thailand and the United States of America” |
Outstanding Thesis Award
Year | Award Winner |
2020 | Amanda Cooper, “Turbulence and transformation: Caregiving spouses’ use of communication in managing and sustaining relationship across the prolonged transition of alzheimer’s disease and related dementias” |
2015 | Weston Wiebe, University of Kansas, “Conflict Initiating Factors and Management Styles in Family and Nonfamily Intergenerational Relationship: American Young Adults’ Retrospective Written Accounts” |
2012 | Nicole Piemonte, Arizona State University, “The Contradictions of Caregiving, Loss and Grief during Emerging Adulthood: Blending Autoethnography and Thematic Analysis” |
2011 | Danielle Catona, Rutgers University, “Age-adapted Speech in an Assisted Living Facility” |
2009 | Sarah Nebel, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, “Dying as an Individual: A Call for a Patient-Centered Approach to Hospice Care Research” |
2008 | Melinda Weathers, University of Houston, “Exploring Communication Competence, Social Support, Perceived Coping, and Religious Coping among Hispanic Family Members Caring for Loved Ones with Alzheimer’s Disease” |
Top Paper Award
Year | Award Winner |
2021 | Patricia E. Gettings,”Considering Domains of Communication about Careers and Retirement: Re-Visiting Profiles of Communication about Aging” |
2021 | Kai Kuang,”Considering Domains of Communication about Careers and Retirement: Re-Visiting Profiles of Communication about Aging” |
2021 | Lindsey B. Anderson, Patricia E. Gettings,”Old Age Scares Me’: Exploring Young Adults’ Feelings About Aging Before and During COVID-19″ |
2021 | Quinten Bernhold, “Integrating Socioemotional Selectivity Theory into the Communicative Ecology Model of Successful Aging to Understand the Implications of Age-Related” |
2021 | Ressa Amanda Cooper, Margaret Jane Pitts, and Jake Harwood, “‘That’s When the Relationship Shifted’: Relational Turning Points in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias” |
2020 | Quinten Shenk Bernhold, “Age-Related Communication Patterns as Predictors of Affect About Aging in the Family” |
2020 | Quinten Shenk Bernhold, “Middle-Aged Children’s Instrumental Caregiving for an Older Parent and Depressive Symptoms: The Moderating Role of the Parent’s Accommodative Communication” |
2020 | Jill S. Yamasaki, “Old Friends Make the Best Friends: The Ethics of Care and Value of Age in Animal Rescue” |
2020 | Crystal (Yee To) Ng, Yee Man Ng, Meng Huo, and Karen Fingerman, “Older Adult’s Marital Status, Social Interactions, and Conversations in Everyday Life” |
2019 | Quinten Shenk Bernhold, University of California, Santa Barbara, Howard Giles, University of California, Santa Barbara |
2019 | Weston T. Wiebe, College of the Ozarks, Yan Bing Zhang, University of Kansas |
2019 | Craig Fowler, Massey University, Jake Harwood, University of Arizona |
2019 | Quinten Shenk Bernhold, University of California Santa Barbara, Jessica N. Gasiorek, University of Hawaii, Manoa |
2018 | Jessica N. Gasiorek and Craig Fowler, “Effects of ‘Environmental Chatter’ about Age and Aging on Middle-Aged and Older Adults’ Communication and Perceptions of Aging Efficacy” |
2018 | Jessica D. Freeman and Jessica Elton, “‘What if You Die?’ Skipped-Generation Caregivers’ Conversations With Their Grandchildren about Death” |
2018 | Sarah Fadem and Sunyoung Kim, “It’s All About Communication: Exploring Older Adults’ Perspectives on Patient Portals” |
2018 | Weston T. Wiebe and Yan Bing Zhang, “Older Adults’ Perspective of Intergenerational Conflict: Initiating Factors and Management Styles” |
2017 | Jessica Freeman and Ryan Stoldt, “Grandma or Mommy: Familial Labeling as Constructs of Identity in Grandfamilies” |
2017 | Jessica Gasiorek, Craig Fowler, and Howie Giles, “Communication and Successful Aging: Reconceptualizing the Role of Uncertainty” |
2017 | Particia Gettings and Lindsey B. Anderson, “Exploring Retirement as a Communicative Process: A Research Agenda for Communication Scholars” |
2015 | Craig Fowler & Jessica Gasiorek, “Profiling Younger Adults’ Communication About Aging” |
2014 | Craig Fowler, Jessica Gasiorek, & Howard Giles, “Introducing the Communicative Ecology Model of Successful Aging” |
2013 | Jill Yamasaki & Shelly Hovick, “‘That Was Grown Folks’ Business’: Narrative Reflection and Response in Older Adults’ Family Health History Communication” |
2012 | Howard Giles, Gholam Hassan Khaiavy, & Charles Choi, “Intergenerational Communication Satisfaction and Age Boundaries: Comparative Middle Eastern Data” |
2011 | Jennifer Ohs, “Relationships of Influence of Health-Care Decisions in Older Adulthood” |
2010 | Yi Song & Yan Bing Zhang, “Perceptions of the Son/Husband’s Mediation Styles in Chinese Mother/Daughter-in-Law Conflicts” |
2009 | Elizabeth Gill, “Home Sweet Home: Conceptualizing and Coping with the Challenges of Aging and the Move to a Care Facility” |
2008 | Carla Fisher, “Communicative Adjustment to Breast Cancer across the Life Span: Mother-Adult Daughter Communication after a Breast Cancer Diagnosis” |
2007 | Howard Giles, Rene Dailey, & Javashree Sarkar, “Young Adults’ Intergenerational Communication Beliefs about Talking with Three Generations: Comparative Data from India” |
2006 | Rene Dailey, Howard Giles, & Sinfree Makoni, “Intergenerational Communication Beliefs Across the Lifespan: Comparative Data from Ghana and South Africa” |
2005 | Rene Dailey, Robert McCann, Howard Giles, & Hiroshi Ota, “An Integrative Perspective on Intergenerational Communication Across the Lifespan” |
Top Student Paper Award
Year | Award Winner |
2015 | Weston Wiebe & Yan Bing Zhang, “Conflict Initiating Factors and Management Styles in Family and Nonfamily Intergenerational Relationship: American Young Adults’ Retrospective Written Accounts” |
2014 | Danielle Catona, “‘We Have Been Robbed of the Life We Planned’: Relational Turbulence and Experiences of Alzheimer’s Disease” |
2013 | Kristina Wenzel, Sara Trask, & Noah Franken, “The Institution of Home at Walnut Creek: A Nursing Home Residents’ Experience of Home and Family” |
2011 | Danielle Catona, “Age-adapted Speech in an Assisted Living Facility” |
2010 | Hai Ying Kong, “What Shall I Use: Traditional Chinese Medicine, Biomedicine, or Both?” |
Giles -Nussbaum Award
Year | Award Winner |
2023 | Carla L. Fisher |
2021 | Yan Bing Zhang |
2021 | Jessica Gasiorek |
2017 | Loretta Pecchioni |