This library provides resources for all aspects of the NCA Convention from the submission process to presenting.

Reviewing the General Convention Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and the Professional Standards for Convention Participants are two great places to start for general information about the NCA Convention. Other resources are organized below.

If you have any suggestions on additional resources you would like to see, please contact

NCA strives to make the annual convention accessible for all members and attendees. All presenters are encouraged to review this guide on creating an accessible convention presentation for all attendees.

If you require assistance with sign language interpretation, sighted guides, or other accommodation, please contact the NCA Convention Team at before September 30. Attendees who do not make advance arrangements for services or equipment can contact a member of the NCA National Office staff onsite at the registration desk. Every reasonable effort will be made to assist attendees onsite however, NCA may not be able to provide all services or equipment due to availability or the time required to obtain them.

For hotel reservations, please use the reservation links/phone number on the Hotel and Travel Information webpage. Hotel reservations will be available in July. If you make your reservation online, be sure to check the appropriate check box in the “Requests” section when reviewing the reservation details.

If you would like to confirm the location and accommodations of your presentation room or a meeting room that you plan to visit, please contact the Convention Team. Room relocations/reassignments must be requested before August 19. View the floor plans online.

A link to information on renting mobility assistance equipment such as scooters or wheelchairs can be found on the Hotel and Travel Information webpage. A wheelchair/scooter charging station will be located in the front of the exhibit hall.

Assistive listening devices will be available for general sessions (NCA Opening Session, Carroll C. Arnold Distinguished Lecture, and the NCA Presidential Address and Awards Presentation).

A copy of the convention program in enlarged print are available upon request from the NCA Registration Desk.

A quiet area will be available to attendees during convention hours on Thursday – Sunday.

Accessible public transportation information can be found on the Hotel and Travel Information webpage.

An Area of Evacuation Assistance will be established and clearly marked on each floor of the Gaylord. If you need assistance locating this area, please contact an NCA staff member or hotel employee. In the event of a hotel evacuation during convention meeting hours, staff will check this area for attendees who require assistance. In the event of a hotel evacuation outside of convention hours, attendees who require assistance are instructed to remain in their guest rooms. Please be sure to indicate that you may need assistance upon check-in.

Should you encounter any problems during the convention or need any additional information, please contact a member of the NCA National Office staff at the registration desk or email

Below is important and helpful information as you consider your convention submission. The first step for anyone considering making a submission should be to review the Professional Standards for Convention Participants. This guide will answer many questions about the commitment that comes with making a submission to the NCA convention as well as guidelines on determining whether or not to submit.

All convention submissions are made via NCA Convention Central. NCA Convention Central also houses all of the calls for submissions that NCA Interest Groups and affiliation organizations issue. NCA Convention Central opens for submissions on January 30, 2024. The calls will also be available for viewing on that date.

Once you have decided to submit please familiarize yourself with the convention submission system before you submit by reviewing the step-by-step How to Submit presentations. Be sure to keep the slides close by for reference during the submission process. NCA also offers an instructive “How to Submit” training videos. The videos cover how to successfully submit individual papers, paper sessions, performance sessions, and panel discussions via NCA Convention Central. We strongly encourage all potential submitters to view the recorded webinars so that the submission process is smooth and enjoyable.

Below are other resources that you may find useful before and during the submission process:

If your submission, or a submission on which you are a participant, is accepted for presentation congratulations and below you will find useful information to make your convention experience as successful as possible.

NCA convention sites are selected five to seven years in advance. To learn more about the convention site selection process, visit the links below.