Recent and Upcoming Episodes of Communication Matters

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July 7, 2022

In the May 2022 Communication Matters podcast episode, Colorado State University Communication Professor and outgoing Quarterly Journal of Speech Editor Karrin Vasby Anderson joined podcast host and NCA Executive Director Shari Miles-Cohen to answer common questions related to successfully preparing and submitting journal manuscripts. The conversation touched on how to write and edit manuscripts to meet the highest standards, how to choose an appropriate journal for your work, and how to handle feedback during the peer review process. Listen to the full episode below! 

The June 2022 episode of Communication Matters focused on pursuing alt-ac careers and supporting graduate students who are pursuing nonacademic career paths. The episode featured guests Shantel Martinez (University of Colorado Boulder), Sarah J. Tracy (Arizona State University), and Marco Dehnert (Arizona State University). 


You can find the podcast by entering “Communication Matters” in the search bar of your favorite podcast app. Subscribe and listen today!