Call for Nominations for NCA Second Vice President, At-Large Members of the Legislative Assembly, and the Leadership Development Committee
The NCA Nominating Committee seeks names of possible nominees for NCA Second Vice President and At-Large Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Leadership Development Committee. The Nominating Committee will review and narrow the slate of nominees who will eventually appear on the general election ballot. Nominees must be members…
Call For Volunteers: Leadership Development Committee
NCA seeks members to serve on a variety of governance and award selection committees, such as the Legislative Assembly and the Publications Council. Unless otherwise indicated, nominations are reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which…
Call for Nominations for NCA Second Vice President, At-Large Members of the Legislative Assembly, and the Leadership Development Committee
The NCA Nominating Committee seeks names of possible nominees for NCA Second Vice President and At-Large Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Leadership Development Committee. The Nominating Committee will review and narrow the slate of nominees who will eventually appear on the general election ballot. Nominees must be members…
Call for Resolutions
NCA members are invited to submit new resolution proposals to the Resolutions Committee for review, or to submit proposals to revise existing resolutions. Proposals for committee review are due no later than June 30. Read the full descriptions of the three types of resolutions on the NCA website. Visit the…
Call for Nominations for NCA Second Vice President, At-Large Members of the Legislative Assembly, and the Leadership Development Committee
The NCA Nominating Committee seeks names of possible nominees for NCA Second Vice President and At-Large Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Leadership Development Committee. The Nominating Committee will review and narrow the slate of nominees who will eventually appear on the general election ballot. Nominees must be members…
Call for Nominations for NCA Second Vice President, At-Large Members of the Legislative Assembly, and the Leadership Development Committee
The NCA Nominating Committee seeks names of possible nominees for NCA Second Vice President and At-Large Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Leadership Development Committee. The Nominating Committee will review and narrow the slate of nominees who will eventually appear on the general election ballot. Nominees must be members…
NCA Governance News
At its 2021 meeting, the NCA Legislative Assembly approved the 2022 proposed budget. In addition, the Legislative Assembly approved a new journal, a new council, two new interest groups, and two new affiliates. Communication and Race The NCA Legislative Assembly has approved the creation of a new journal: Communication and…
Call For Volunteers: Leadership Development Committee
NCA seeks members to serve on a variety of governance and award selection committees, such as the Legislative Assembly and the Publications Council. Unless otherwise indicated, nominations are reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which…