2020 NCA Election Results Are In
February 4, 2021
Congratulations to the newly elected NCA leadership, led by new Second Vice President Walid Afifi, that will serve our association, and thanks to all the candidates who demonstrated a generous commitment to service by running for office.
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The NCA Nominating Committee seeks names of possible nominees for NCA Second Vice President and At-Large Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Leadership Development Committee. The Nominating Committee will review and narrow the slate of nominees who will eventually appear on the general election ballot. Nominees must be members...
Applications are now being accepted for NCA’s Research Cultivation Grants, Advancing the Discipline Grants, and grants funded by the Dale Leathers Fund to Promote Communication Studies in Emerging Democracies. The application deadline for all grants is October 1, 2022. Grant recipients will be notified in mid-November, and projects are expected to...
In a new “NCA Concepts and Praxis in Communication” video, Aisha Durham, Associate Professor in the USF Department of Communication, explains Critical Race Theory and how it has been applied in Communication research. According to Durham, “As a framework, Critical Race Theory (CRT) sees race not as biologically determined… We...
The Consortium of Social Science Associations’ (COSSA) Social Science Advocacy Day was held virtually on Tuesday, March 29, 2022. This annual event is designed to encourage members of Congress to support federal funding of the social and behavioral sciences. This year, Dr. Kami Silk participated in this advocacy work...
In support of its commitment to promoting diversity within the Communication discipline, NCA’s IDEA Council offers travel grants for student members of NCA’s caucuses (Asian/Pacific American Caucus, Black Caucus, Disability Issues Caucus, Caucus on LGBTQ Concerns, Indigenous Caucus, La Raza Caucus, and Women’s Caucus) who attend the Annual Convention. NCA offers...
Student members of NCA’s caucuses (Asian/Pacific American Caucus, Black Caucus, Disability Issues Caucus, Caucus on LGBTQ Concerns, Indigenous Caucus, La Raza Caucus, or Women’s Caucus) may apply for a travel grant to help defray the costs associated with attending the 2021 NCA Annual Convention in Seattle. Students can receive up...
NCA seeks members to serve on a variety of governance and award selection committees, such as the Legislative Assembly and the Publications Council. Unless otherwise indicated, nominations are reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which...
Members are invited to submit nominations for the awards to be presented at the 2022 NCA Annual Convention. Unless otherwise specified, nominations must be submitted through the NCA website. Please review each award call for more information. The deadline for all nominations is May 15, 2022. Award descriptions, nomination criteria,...