I REMEMBER… NCA Centennial Video
October 1, 2014
The 2014 Annual Convention of the National Communication Association (NCA) will mark the association’s Centennial, its 100-year anniversary. While this is a momentous occasion, members of NCA gather, create, and take away memories of events, individuals, and presentations every year. At the 2013 Annual Convention students from Wrought Iron Productions (WIP) and Wake Forest University captured individual’s memories of their experiences at NCA conventions. This 32-minute video documents the value of NCA to its members and the field of communication.
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NCA’s Centennial is a wonderful opportunity to ponder the past, present, and future of the association and discipline and to celebrate! The Centennial Committee was appointed by former NCA President Betsy Bach in 2009. We began meeting at the NCA convention in Chicago, where we returned for our 2014 meeting, November...
The National Communication Association (NCA) invites Communication departments and programs across the country to honor the NCA Centennial with activities geared toward celebrating the association and discipline. Join the celebration! Here is how you can get involved. 1) Plan and implement a departmental celebration. Use NCA’s 100th anniversary to celebrate your own program and people. Perhaps you...
In honor of its upcoming Centennial, the National Communication Association is sponsoring COMM 365, a project celebrating 100 years of communication research. Five times per week, brief summaries of communication concepts, theories, and research findings are being posted on NCA’s website. Click here to see the most recent postings, which could be...
In honor of its upcoming Centennial, the National Communication Association is sponsoring COMM 365, a project celebrating 100 years of communication research. Five times per week, brief summaries of communication concepts, theories, and research findings are being posted on NCA’s website. Click here to see the most recent postings, which could be of interest...
The 2014 Annual Convention of the National Communication Association (NCA) will mark the association’s Centennial, its 100-year anniversary. While this is a momentous occasion, members of NCA gather, create and take away memories of events, individuals and presentations every year. At the 2013 Annual Convention students from Wrought Iron Productions (WIP)...
The National Communication Association (NCA) invites Communication departments and programs across the country to honor the NCA Centennial with activities geared toward celebrating the association and discipline. Join the celebration! Here is how you can get involved. 1) Plan and implement a departmental celebration. Use NCA’s 100th anniversary to celebrate your own program and people. Perhaps you...
In honor of its upcoming Centennial, the National Communication Association is sponsoring COMM 365, a project celebrating 100 years of communication research. Five times per week, brief summaries of communication concepts, theories, and research findings are being posted on NCA’s website. Click here to see the most recent postings, which could be of interest...