Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender

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Black Lives Matter: OSCLG’s Plan for Action

Black Lives Matter. It is more than a slogan or a hashtag. It is an affirmative statement that is challenged by racist actions and attitudes everywhere and on a daily basis. Hate-based murders are committed by the very police charged with “keeping the peace” and are covered up by those same institutions. The horrific murders of Black and African-American people have a long legacy in this nation, so that we cannot even know or name all of the victims. We stand in solidarity with those who are giving voice to the lives lost, protesting, and organizing the Black Lives Matter movement.

However, as a board and leadership team, we do not feel that expressing solidarity is enough for this point in time. While OSCLG has attempted to address issues of diversity and inclusion through activities like spotlight panels, the Color Purple award, etc., we recognize there is much work to do.

OSCLG can do better. And we will.

As a board, we have begun these conversations and plans. We are starting with a task force to re-envision our mission so that the organization recognizes issues of intersectionality as part of our core mission and values and to intentionally support anti-racism.

Some action steps we are developing include (but are not limited to):

  • We will share a re-envisioned mission statement at the 2020 conference for discussion, consideration and approval by our members. We will carefully reflect on how to revise our bylaws and practices to reflect this new vision and will share those as well so vision can become action.
  • Creating a new board member position and a task force of folks who are being intentional about inclusion as part of conference planning, award committees, and other organizational structures.
  • Conference planners will now create a statement/plan for how issues of inclusion and anti- racism will be addressed and supported in the planning and enactment of their conference. Further, board members have agreed to a pre-, during, and post-conference analysis so that there is a reflexive practice around these issues.

These are only a few of the action steps we have considered. More so, we want to clearly communicate that we are doing more than expressing solidarity with others during this point in time. OSCLG commits to building on our feminist foundations with issues of intersectionality as part of our core mission and to intentionally take action to be an anti-racist organization. As always, we welcome feedback from our members and community as we work to make OSCLG a more inclusive space.


In Solidarity and Peace,

The OSCLG Presidents & Board (

Paaige K. Turner, President
Karla Scott, Vice President
Chad McBride, Past President
Janelle Bauer, Executive Director
Patricia Geist-Martin, Board Member
Shauna M. MacDonald, Board Member
Jimmie Manning, Board Member
Gloria Pindi, Board Member
Kendra Rivera, Board Member
Rachel E. Silverman, Communication Coordinator
Marie Thompson, Board Member
Savaughn Williams, Board Member