Submit Your Article to spectra

spectra is the National Communication Association’s digital magazine dedicated to exploring key issues in communication scholarship, teaching, and public engagement. We welcome article submissions from NCA members and regional communication associations. Articles should align with Spectra‘s focus on communication research, education, and practice.

Submission Guidelines



Submissions are open to all NCA members and regional communication associations. Articles should present insightful perspectives, research, or case studies on topics within the field of communication.


Article Requirements:

  • Word Count: 1,500 to 2,500 words.
  • Articles should be well-researched and relevant to ongoing discussions in communication studies.
  • Content should be original, not previously published, and free of plagiarism.
  • Citations must follow APA or Chicago style.

Submission Process

To submit your article for consideration, please send the following:

  1. Your article in Word format.
  2. A short bio (150 words) and headshot.
  3. Your NCA member or association affiliation.

Send your submissions to

Review and Selection Process

Once your article is submitted, it will undergo a two-stage review by NCA’s Communications Team. The review will assess both the quality and relevance of the content. Articles selected for publication will receive feedback and may be edited for clarity, length, and style in collaboration with the author.

Our team will respond to all selected submissions within 6–8 weeks. While we strive to review every submission, only those selected for publication will receive a detailed response. If you do not hear from us within the review period, submit your article to other venues.

Thank you for considering spectra as a platform to share your work and contribute to the ongoing dialogue in communication studies!