Transforming lives through Communication.
Advancing Communication scholarship, teaching, and practice to foster a better world.
Read the full 2023-2027 Strategic Plan
NCA’s leadership includes a President who is elected each year by the membership, and who works in conjunction with a Legislative Assembly and its Executive Committee.
To learn more about just a few of NCA’s direct member services and public engagement initiatives, click on the links below.
- NCA publishes 12 academic journals that provide the latest research in the discipline and showcase diverse perspectives on a range of scholarly topics. All NCA members are provided with access to the current and archived electronic issues of the journals.
- NCA provides its members with a wealth of data about the Communication discipline.
- In addition to the NCA Annual Convention, which attracts some 4,500 attendees each year, NCA hosts programs and other meetings that provide professional development opportunities for Communication scholars and advance the broader discipline.
- NCA’s Career Center helps scholars meet the challenges of pursuing and securing academic positions in Communication, and is a go-to source for institutions who are posting openings and scholars who are pursuing new opportunities.
- NCA organizes programs that serve to engage public audiences with current and emerging communication topics.
- NCA provides Communication scholars with access to a wealth of teaching and learning tools and expertise.
- NCA helps disseminate Communication scholarship broadly through regular media outreach, and a robust social media presence.
- NCA advocates for public policy that supports the professional efforts of Communication scholars.
NCA's National Office is located in the nation’s capital at 1765 N Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036. Contact NCA by calling 202-464-4622 or emailing