International and Intercultural Communication Division

International and Intercultural Communication Division logo

The International and Intercultural Communication Division (IICD) promotes research and teaching in intercultural, international, and intergroup (including interracial/interethnic) communication. The scholarship featured by the division focuses on these forms of communication as they unfold in multiple settings and contexts, including organizational, political, interpersonal, or mediated. Essential questions investigated by scholars tend to focus on the dynamics of culture and communication and the impact on identity, contact, adaptation, representation, inequality and empowerment, transition, competence, and other factors. The division presents research representing many perspectives and conducted by qualitative, quantitative, and rhetorical methods. The IICD accepts for review individual papers and panels. Every year, the division recognizes outstanding scholarship in the form of article, book, and dissertation awards. The top division paper receives the Ralph Cooley award, and other top papers and top student papers are recognized at NCA’s Annual Convention.

2024 Interest Group Leadership

  • Chair: Wei Sun, Howard University
  • Vice Chair: Gloria Pindi
  • Vice Chair-Elect: Santhosh Chandrashekar
  • Immediate Past Chair: Fatima Zahrae Chrifi Alaoui
  • Secretary: Anjana Mudambi
  • Publications Office: Bobbi Van Gilder


2024 NCA Positions

  • Legislative Assembly
    • Wei Sun, Howard University
    • Gloria Pindi
    • Santhosh Chandrashekar
  • Nominating Committee
    • Wei Sun, Howard University

IICD Membership (2013-2024)

*Official count taken each January.


Award Calls
Business Meeting Minutes
Interest Group Election