
2004 NCA Award Winners

NCA Award Winners by Year

Teaching Awards

Donald H. Ecroyd Award for Outstanding Teaching in Higher Education

  • Mark L. Knapp, University of Texas

Marcella E. Oberle Award for Outstanding Teaching in Grades K-12

  • Connie J. Link

Michael and Suzanne Osborn Community College Outstanding Educator Award

  • Kay A. Harrison, Ohlone College

Wallace A. Bacon Lifetime Teaching Excellence Award

  • Robert Scott


Scholarship Awards

Bernard J. Brommel Award for Outstanding Scholarship or Distinguished Service in Family Communication

  • Anita L. Vangelisti, University of Texas

Charles H. Woolbert Research Award

  • Lawrence Grossberg, “Cultural Studies and/in New Worlds,” Critical Studies in Mass Communication 10 (1993) 1-22.

Diamond Anniversary Book Award

  • Cara A. Finnegan, Picturing Poverty: Print Culture and FSA Photographs. (Smithsonian Books, 2003).

Douglas W. Ehninger Distinguished Rhetorical Scholar Award

  • Ronald Carpenter

Franklyn S. Haiman Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Freedom of Expression

  • Richard A. Parker, Free Speech on Trial:  Communication Perspectives on Landmark Supreme Court Decisions (University of Alabama Press, 2003).

Gerald M. Phillips Award for Distinguished Applied Communication Scholarship

  • Brent D. Ruben

Gerald R. Miller Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Awards

  • Eszter Hargittai, Princeton University. “How Wide a Web? Inequalities in Accessing Information Online,” (Paul DiMaggio, advisor).
  • Theodore Striphas, University of North Carolina. “A Constellation of Books: Communication, Technology, and Popular Culture in the Late Age of Print.” (Lawrence Grossberg, advisor).

James A. Winans-Herbert A. Wichelns Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Rhetoric and Public Address

  • Susan Zaeske, Signatures of Citizenship: Petitioning, Antislavery, and Women’s Political Identity (University of North Carolina Press, 2003).

James L. Golden Outstanding Student Essay in Rhetoric Award

  • Cindy Koenig, Northwestern University

Karl R. Wallace Memorial Award

  • James P. McDaniel

Leslie Irene Coger Award for Distinguished Performance

  • Mercilee M. Jenkins

Lilla A. Heston Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Interpretation and Performance Studies

  • E. Patrick Johnson


Service Awards

Robert J. Kibler Memorial Award

  • Steve Duck

Samuel L. Becker Distinguished Service Award

  • Judith S. Trent