
GLBTQ Studies Division

Interest Group Awards

Listed here are awards given by the Interest Group to its members. Interests Groups are smaller communities within NCA's large membership that provide a range of resources including networking opportunities, Annual Convention programming, leadership opportunities, awards, and specialized information dissemination channels, among others.

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Dissertation of the Year Award

Year Award Winner
2023 Emily Krebs, "Disrupting Suicidism: Anti-Oppressive Approaches to Addressing the Desire to Die"
2018 Shadee Adi, "Navigating the (im)perfect performances of queer Iranian-American identity"
2017 Mia Fischer, "Terrorizing Gender: Transgender Visibility and the Surveillance Practices of the U.S. Security State"
2016 Robert Gutierrez Perez, “Jotería-Historias: Theories from the Fringes”
2014 Kathryn Hobson “Performing Femininity: Passing, Playing, and Camp”

Book of the Year Award

Year Award Winner
2023 E Cram, Violent Inheritance: Sexuality, Land, and Energy in Making the North American West
  Shinsuke Eguchi, Asians Loving Asians: Sticky Rice Homoeroticism and Queer Politics
2018 Thomas R. Dunn, Queerly Remembered: Rheorics for Representing the GLBTQ Past (University of South Carolina Press, 2016)
2017 Leland Spencer and Jamie Capuzza (eds.), Transgender Communication Studies: Histories, Trends, and Trajectories (Lexington Books, 2015)
2016 Jennifer Tyburczy, Sex Museums: The Politics and Performance of Display (University of Chicago Press, 2015)
2015 Jeefery Q. McCune Jr., Sexual Discretion: Black Masculinity and the Politics of Passing (University of Chicago Press, 2014)
2014 Karma Chavez, Queer Migration Politics: Activist Rhetoric and Coalitional Possibilities (University of Illinois Press, 2013)

Monograph of the Year Award

Year Award Winner
2023 Fatima Zahrae Chrifi Alaoui, "'You Know It's Different in the Game Man': Technodesiring, Technorelating, and TechnoBlackness as Analytical Modes of Queer Worldmaking in Black Mirror's, 'Striking Vipers'"
  Billy Huff, "On[Be]coming in Boystown"
2018 Shadee Abdi and Bernadette Marie Calafell, "Queer utopias and a (feminist) Iranian vampire: A critical analysis of resistive monstrosity in A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night" 34(4),358-370.
2017 Stephen M. Haas and Sarah W. Whitton, "The signifigance of living together and importance of marriage in same-sex couples", Journal of Homosexuality, 62, 1241-1263, 2015.
2016 Shinsuke Eguchi and Myra N. Roberts, “Gay Rapping and Possibilities: A Quare Reading of “Throw that Boy P***y,” Text and Performance Quarterly 35, 2015, 142-157
2014 Emily Cram, “’Angie Was Our Sister’: Witnessing the Transformation of Disgust in the Citizenry of Photography,” Quarterly Journal of Speech 98, 2012, 411-438
2014 Pamela Lannutti, “Same Sex Marriage and Privacy Management: Examining Couples’ Communication with Family Members,” Journal of Family Communication 13, 2013, 60-75

Top Student Paper Award

Year Award Winner
2023 Ashley Hay, "Hermeneutical Implications of Asexual Language as a Technology of Self"
2017 Woorie Han, "Proud of myself as LGBTQ: The Korea Queer Pride Parade, homonationalism, and queer developmental citizenship"
2016 Chase Aunspach, “’Not simply as a Textbook or Clinical Case’: A Critical Microhistory of the University of Nebraska’s 1970 ‘Homosexual Problem’”
2014 Bobbi Van Gilder and Shadee Abdi, “Cultural (In) Visibility and Identity Dissonance: Queer Iranian Women and their Negotiation of Existence”

Top Paper Award

Year Award Winner
2023 ben brandley & Lore/tta LeMaster, "The Violence of Allonormativity in Communication Studies: Notes on Injury, Healing, and Asexual Worldmaking"
2018 M.N. Roberts, "New Homophobia and the Redefining of Religious Freedoms through Discursive Dequeerification: A Defense of the Establishing Clause of the First Amendment"
2018 Benjamin M.A. Baker, "Narrating the Transgender Suicide Memories and the Viral Moment of Ecological Rhetorical Agency"
2018 Joe E. Hatfield, "Emasculating Trump: The Incredulous Gaze, Homophobia, and the Dama of Public Secrecy"
2017 Dana L. Cloud, "The Rhetorical Framing of Whistleblowers: Secret Agents and Queer Failure"
2017 Elizabeth K. Eger, "Transgender Women Job Seekers Navigating Employment Discrimination and Closeting Communication"
2017 Kimberlee Perez, "What Do We Do When I Do? Reinforcing, Interrupting and Redoing Marriage in Performance"
2016 Christopher Hajek, “Distinguished… or Dissonant: Gay Male Midlife Identity as Emergent in Intergenerational Communication”
2012 Andre Cavalcante