Organizational Communication Division
Interest Group Awards
Listed here are awards given by the Interest Group to its members. Interests Groups are smaller communities within NCA's large membership that provide a range of resources including networking opportunities, Annual Convention programming, leadership opportunities, awards, and specialized information dissemination channels, among others.
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Outstanding Teaching Award
Year Award Winner 2022 Minkyung Kim (GTA), Rob Razzante (Fixed Term), Elizabeth Eger & Pavitra Kavya (Tenure Track Instructor), & Sarah Riforgiate (Tenured) 2021 Greta Underhill (GTA), Angela Pastorek (Fixed Term), Sarah K. Chorley (Tenure Track), & Sarah Blithe (Tenured) -
Outstanding Mentoring Award
Year Award Winner 2022 Sarah Dempsey 2021 Kerri Stephens - Engaged Scholars Service Award
Year Award Winner 2022 Anna Wiederhold Wolfe 2021 Jasmine Linabary 2020 Dawna Ballard 2020 Kim Cuny 2019 Sarah Dempsey 2018 J. Jacob Jenkins 2016 Matthew W. Seeger 2015 Lynn Harter 2013 Marianne LeGreco 2012 Joy L. Hart 2011 Patricia S. Parker - Outstanding Textbook Award
Year Award Winner 2022 Daniel P. Modaff & Jennifer A. Butler, Organizational Communication: Foundations, Challenges, and Misunderstandings, (5th Ed.) Cognella 2020 Sarah J. Tracy, Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact (2nd Ed). Wiley Blackwell 2018 Gregory S. Larson and Rebecca Gill, Organizations and Identity 2017 Renee Guarriello Heath and Matthew G. Isbell, Interorganizational Collaboration: Complexity, Ethics, and Communication. Waveland Press. 2016 François Cooren, (2015), Organizational Discourse: Communication and Constitution. Polity Press. 2013 Dennis K. Mumby, (Eds.). (2013), Organization and organizing: Materiality, agency and discourse. New York: Routledge. 2011 Joann Keyton, (2011), Communication & organizational culture: A key to understanding work experiences (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2010 George Cheney, Lars Thoger Christensen, Theodore E. Zorn, and Shiv Ganesh, (2010), Organizational communication in an age of globalization: Issues, reflections, practices. Long Grove, IL: Waveland. - Outstanding Edited Book Award
Year Award Winner 2022 Andrew F. Herrmann, The Routledge International Handbook of Organizational Autoethnography, Routledge. 2021 Marya L. Doerfel, Jennifer L. Gibbs, Rebecca J. Meisenbach, Darvelle Hutchins, Jennifer Ptacek, Stacey Connaughton, Michael L. Kent, Nneka Logan, Amy Gonzales, Harry Yaojun Yan, Ana Aguilar, Dawna Ballard, Robert Razzante, Sarah Tracy, Katrina Hanna, Joshua Barbour, Shelbey Rolison, Jared T. Jensen, Patricia S. Parker, Dorothy Holland, Jean Dennison, Sara H. Smith, Melvin Jackson, Rahul Mitra, Odile Vallee, Patrice M. Buzzanell, Walid A. Afifi, Monica Cornejo, Sharde Davis, & Bernadette Gailliard, Organizing Inclusion: Moving diversity from demographics to communication processes. Rouledge 2020 Keri K. Stephens, New Media in Times of Crisis. Rouledge 2019 Consuelo Vásquez & Timothy Kuhn, Dis/organization as communication: Exploring the Disordering, Disruptive and Chaotic Properties of Communication. Routledge 2018 Boris Brummans, The Agency of Organizing: Perspectives and Case Studies. Routledge 2016 Jeffrey W. Treem and Paul M. Leonardi, (Eds.). (2016), Expertise, Communication, and Organizing. Oxford University Press. 2014 Linda L. Putnam and Dennis K. Mumby, (Eds.). (2014), The SAGE handbook of organizational communication: Advances in theory, research, and methods (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 2013 Daniel Robichaud and Francois Cooren, (Eds.). (2013), Organization and organizing: Materiality, agency and discourse. New York: Routledge 2011 Dennis K. Mumby, (Ed.). (2011), Reframing difference in organizational communication studies: Research, pedagogy, and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 2009 Pamela Lutgen-Sandvik and Beverly Davenport Sypher, (Eds.). (2009), Destructive organizational communication: Processes, consequences, and constructive ways of organizing. New York, NY: Routledge 2007 Steve May, George Cheney, and Juliet Roper, (Eds.). (2007), The debate over corporate social responsibility. New York, NY: Oxford University Press 2006 François Cooren, James R. Taylor, and Elizabeth J. Van Every, (Eds.) (2006), Communication as organizing: Empirical and theoretical explorations in the dynamic of text and conversation. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum 2005 Steve May and Dennis K. Mumby, (Eds.). (2005), Engaging organizational communication: Theory and research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 2005 David Grant, Cynthia Hardy, Cliff Oswick, and Linda L. Putnam, (Eds.). (2004), The Sage handbook of organizational discourse. London, UK: Sage 1990 Janet Fulk and Charles W. Steinield, (Eds.). (1990), Organizations and communication technology. Newbury Park, CA: Sage 1988 Fredric M. Jablin, Linda L. Putnam, Karlene H. Roberts, and Lyman W. Porter, (Eds.). (1987), Handbook of organizational communication. Newbury Park, CA: Sage - Outstadnging Monograph Award
Year Award Winner 2022 Marianne LeGreco & Niesha Douglas, Everybody Eats: Communication and the Paths to Food Justice. 2021 Laurie Lewis,"Parents’ Mental State Communication and Children’s Consumer Behavior in the United States" 2020 Sarah J. Blithe, Anna Wiederhold Wolfe, and Breanna Mohr, Sex and stigma: Stories of everyday life in Nevada’s legal brothel 2020 Rebecca de Souza, Feeding the other: Whiteness, privilege, and neoliberal stigma in food pantries 2019 Keri Stephens, Negotiating Control: Organizations and Mobile Communication 2017 Sarah J. Blithe, Gender Equality and Work-Life Balance: Glass Handcuffs and Working Men in the U.S. Routledge 2016 Kirsten Foot (2015). Collaborating Against Human Trafficking: Cross-Sector Challenges and Practices. Rowman & Littlefield. 2014 Donnalyn Pompper (2014), Practical and theoretical implications of successfully doing difference in organizations. Bingley, UK: Emerald 2013 Craig R. Scott, (2013), Anonymous agencies, backstreet businesses, and covert collectives: Rethinking organizations in the 21st Century. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press 2012 Bruce A. Bimber, Andrew J. Flanagan, and Cynthia Stohl (2012), Collective action in organizations: Interaction and engagement in an era of technological change. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press 2011 Laure K. Lewis (2011), Organizational change: Creating change through strategic communication. Chichester, UK: Wiley-Blackwell 2010 Vincent R. Waldron and Jeffrey W. Kassing (2011), Managing risk in communication encounters: Strategies for the workplace. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 2007 Gail T. Fairhurst (2007), Discursive leadership: In conversation with leadership psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 2006 Laura L. Ellingson (2005), Communicating in the clinic: Negotiating frontstage and backstage teamwork. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press 2004 Karen Lee Ashcraft and Dennis K. Mumby (2003), Reworking gender: A feminist communicology of organization. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 2004 Pablo J. Boczkowski (2004), Digitizing the news: Innovation in online newspapers. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press 2003 Peter R. Monge and Noshir S. Contractor (2003), Theories of communication networks. New York, NY: Oxford University Press 2001 James R. Taylor, Carole Groleau, Lorna Heaton, Elizabeth Van Every (2001), The computerization of work: A communication perspective. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 2001 Marshall S. Poole, Andrew H. Van de Ven, Kevin Dooley, and Michael E. Holmes (2000), Organizational change and innovation processes: Theory and methods for research. New York, NY: Oxford University Press 2000 Robin P. Clair (1998), Organizing silence: A world of possibilities. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 1997 Gail T. Fairhurst and Robert A. Sarr (1996), The art of framing: Managing the language of leadership. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass 1995 Cynthia Stohl (1995), Organizational communication: Connectedness in action. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 1995 Stanley A Deetz (1995), Transforming communication, transforming business: Building responsive and responsible workplaces. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press 1994 James R. Taylor and Elizabeth J. Van Every (1993), The vulnerable fortress: Bureaucratic organization and management in the information age. Toronto: University of Toronto Press 1993 Charles R. Bantz (1993), Understanding organizations: Interpreting organizational communication cultures. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press 1992 Stanley A. Deetz (1992), Democracy in an age of corporate colonization: Developments in communication and the politics of everyday life. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press 1991 George Cheney (1991), Rhetoric in an organizational society: Managing multiple identities. Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press 1990 Janet Falk and Charles Steinfield 1989 Dennis K. Mumby (1989), Communication and power in organizations: Discourse, ideology, and domination. Norwood, NJ: Ablex 1988 Fredric Jablin, Linda Putnam, Karlene Roberts, and Lyman Porter 1987 Robert McPhee and Phillip Tompkins (1983), Organizational communication: Traditional theories and new directions. Newbury Park, CA: Sage 1985 Linda Putnam and Michael E. Pacanowsky (1983), Communication and organizations, an interpretive approach. Newbury Park, CA: Sage - Top Student Paper Award
Year Award Winner 2021 Jessica Sage Rauchberg"Reimagining Cybervetting as a Transformative Crip Organizational Practice: A Case Study of LifeTown" 2021 L. D. Mattson"Queering Resilience: Opportunities for LGBTQ Organizing" 2021 Kyle Anthony Hanners & Marco Dehnert"Organizing as Cultural (Re)Production: Conjoining Organizational Knowledge and Critical Educational Scholarship" 2021 Jeannette Isabelle Iannacone"Upholding the Dominant Work Ideology: How Meaningful Work Narratives of Syrian Refugees in Organizational Rhetoric Reinforce a Capitalist Ontology of Labor" 2020 Emily Godager, Michael Coker, Benjamin Davis, and Kari Pink, "An Assessment of Team Communication After a Leader's Organizational Exit" 2020 Beatriz Nieto-Fernandez, "An Organizational Communication Ethics Approach to Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing" 2020 Delaney Harness, "Paradigms and Paradoxes: Beyond The Extant Approaches to Transparency" 2020 Timothy Betts, "Putting on the Happy Meal Handcuffs: Organizing Communicative Resilience Amidst Unemployment" 2019 Rebecca Costantini, "Identity and the Secular-Sacred: The Communicative (Re)Shaping of Commemorative Space" 2019 Sue Lockyer, "Beyond Inclusions: Survivor Voices in the Human Trafficking Movement" 2019 Avigail McClelland-Cohen, Dalia van Zyll, & Catherine Weatherly, "From #MeToo to #WeToo: Constituting Movement Identity in a Digitally Networked Context" 2019 William Smith, "Communication for Organizational Survival: Balancing (Dis)Organizing Tensions Through Communicative Practice" 2018 Dana H. Marshall, "A (dis)organized analysis: Towards a communicative framework of (dis)organizing" 2018 Rebecca B. Leach, "More Than Idle Talk: Exploring Gossip in Organizational Socialization" 2018 Brittany Ann Knutson, "Organizing Women as Violent Actors: An Analysis of U.S. Women Recruited to the Islamic State" 2018 Camille Grace Endacott, "Communicating corporate social responsibility for contract workers" 2016 Scott Banghart 2013 Courtney Davis, “Organizational assimilation in non-profit organizations: What about the paid employee?” - Top Paper Award
Year Award Winner 2021 Sean Kenney,"Toward a Queer Horizon: Diversity Work as Queer Alternative Organizing" 2021 Jamie McDonald,"Queering CCO Scholarship: Examining Communication as Constitutive of (Hetero)normative Organizations and Organizing" 2021 Sean M. Eddington, Caitlyn M. Jarvis, & Patrice M. Buzzanell,"Identity through Affective Solidarity: Understanding the Communicative Construction of Identity in Online Men’s Rights Spaces" 2021 Surabhi Sahay & Maria Dwyer,"Organizing in Crisis: Sensemaking, Improvisation, and Job Crafting During COVID-19" 2020 Jeffrey W. Treem, Anu Sivunen, and Ward van Zoonen, "Driven by Fear: An Analysis of Fear Factors Predicting ESM Platform Use" 2020 Jingyi Sun, Aimei Yang, and Adam J. Saffer, "Evolving Together: Exploring Dynamics of the Global Refugee Crisis and Related Multi-Stakeholder Issue Networks" 2020 Patricia Gettings and Elizabeth Dorrance Hall, "Exploring the Career Resilience Strategies of Women in the Early Stages of Traditionally Male Careers" 2020 Virginia Sánchez Sánchez, "'Dando las gracias a mis papás': A discursive analysis of perceptions of callings across generations of Latinx immigrants" 2019 Jenna N. Hanchey and Peter R. Jensen, "Rethinking Organizational Rhetoric: From Identification to Subjectification" 2019 Jessica L. Ford and Sonia Rains Ivancic, "Surviving Organizational Tolerance of Sexual Harassment: An Exploration of Resilience, Vulnerability, and Harassment Fatigue" 2019 Tae Ho Lee, "Salience of Stakeholder Groups and Firms’ Motivations for CSR in Three Market Economies: A Ten-Year Content Analysis of CSR Disclosure" 2019 Kate Lockwood Harris, "Unlearning border defense, undermining white supremacist violence: Renewing the case for interdisciplinary inquiry in organizational communication" 2018 Veronica Radeva Dawson and Elizabeth Brunner, "Corporate Social Responsibility on Wild Public Networks: Patagonia's 'The President Stole Your Land Initiative" 2018 Guowei Jian, "Knowing Others is Wisdom': Theorizing Empathetic Leadership" 2018 Ryan S. Bisel and Elissa Arterburn Adame, "Encouraging Upward Ethical Dissent in Organizations: The Role of Deference to Embodied Expertise" 2016 Suzy D'Enbeau, "Unpacking the dimensions of organizational tension: The case of sexual violence response and prevention among college students" 2016 Stacy Tye-Williams and Kathleen J. Krone, "The Paradox of Workplace Bullying Advice: Re-imagining Advice through the Lens of Critical Emotional Agency" 2016 Jody L.S. Jahn, "A Model of Communicative and Hierarchical Foundations of High Reliability Organizing" 2016 Ashley K. Barret and Keri K. Stephens, "Standardization with a Local Stamp of Approval: The Influential Mediating Role of Workarounds in Organizational Change" 2013 2013- Brenda L. Berkelaar, Jeff Birdsell, and Joshua Scacco, “Storying the Digital Professional: How Online Screening Practices are Changing Personnel Selection and Employability” 2013 2013- Guowei Jian, Xiaowei Shi, Francis Dalisay, “Leader-Member Task Conversation Quality (LMTCQ): Scale Development and Validation through Three Studies” 2013 2013- Lacy G. McNamee and Brittany L. Peterson, “Toward a Tension-Centered Understanding of Volunteer Management” 2013 2013- Sarah Steimel, “Communicating Empowerment(s) With and To Clients in Mediating Organizations” 1991 Robin P. Clair 1991 Deanna Geddes 1991 Stanley A. Deetz 1991 Anne M. Nicotera 1990 Vincent R. Waldron and William F. Sharkey 1990 Colleen M. Keough and Randall A. Lake 1990 Donald D. Morley and Pamile S. Shockley-Zalabak 1989 Connie Casebolt Davis 1989 Eric M. Eisenberg and Steven R. Phillips 1989 Vincent Waldron 1987 Susan Kogler Hill, Margaret Hilton Bahniuk, and Jean Dobos 1987 Gaynelle Rothermel Winograd 1991 G. Richard Holt and Joseph W. Scudder 1991 Shelia McNamee - Outstanding Article Award
Year Award Winner 2022 Nancy Maingi Ngwu, "Toward a Fluid, Shape-Shifting Methodology in Organizational Communication Inquiry: African Feminist Organizational Communication Historiography," published in Review of Communication in 2022. 2022 Masaki Matsunaga, "Uncertainty Management, Transformational Leadership, and Job Performance in an AI-Powered Organizational Context, published in Communication Monographs in 2022. 2021 Dawna Ballard, Brenda Allen, Karen Ashcraft, Shiv Ganesh, Poppy McLeod, & Heather Zoller,"When Words do not Matter: Identifying Actions to Effect Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Academy," Management Communication Quarterly, 34, 590-616. 2020 Joëlle Cruz and Chigozirim Utah Sodeke, Debunking eurocentrism in organizational communication theory: Marginality and liquidities in postcolonial contexts. Communication Theory 2019 Dajung Woo, Reconceptualizing interorganizational collaborations as tensile structures: Implications of conveners’ proactive tension management. Communication Monographs, 86:2, 158-183. 2018 Joelle M. Cruz, Invisibilityand visibility in alternative organizing: A communicative and cultural model. Management Communication Quarterly, 31(4):614-639 2017 Paul M. Leonardi and Diane E. Bailey, Recognizing and selling good ideas: Network articulations and the making of an offshore innovation hub. Academy of Management Discoveries 2016 William C. Barley, (2015). Anticipatory Work: How the Need to Represent Knowledge Across Boundaries Shapes Work Practices Within Them. Organization Science, 26, 1612-1628 2015 Paul M. Leonardi (2014). Social media, knowledge sharing, and innovation: Toward a theory of communication visibility. Information Systems Research, 25, 796-816 2014 Stephanie L. Dailey and Larry Browning (2014). Retelling stories in organizations: Understanding the functions of narrative repetition. Academy of Management Review, 39, 22-43 2013 Matthew A. Koschmann, Timothy R. Kuhn, and Michael D. Pfarrer (2012). A communicative framework of value in cross-sector partnerships. Academy of Management Review, 37, 332-354 2012 Kristen Lucas (2011). The working class promise: A communicative account of mobility-based ambivalences. Communication Monographs, 78, 347-369 2012 Robert Whitbred, Fabio Fonti, Christian Steglich, and Noshir Contractor (2011). From microactions to macrostructure and back: A structurational approach to the evolution of organizational networks. Human Communication Research, 37, 404-433 2011 Paul M. Leonardi (2011). Innovation blindness: Culture, frames, and cross-boundary problem construction in the development of new technology concepts. Organization Science, 22, 347-369 2010 Paul M. Leonardi (2009). Why do people reject new technologies and stymie organizational changes of which they are in favor? Exploring misalignments between social interactions and materiality. Human Communication Research, 35, 407-441 2010 Paul M. Leonardi (2009). Crossing the implementation line: The mutual constitution of technology and organizing across development and use activities. Communication Theory, 19, 278-310 2009 Pamela Lutgen-Sandvik (2008). Intensive remedial identity work: Responses to workplace bullying trauma and stigmatization. Organization, 15, 97-119 2008 Borris H.J. Brummans, Linda L. Putnam, Barbara Gray, Ralph Hanke, Roy J. Lewicki, and Carolyn Wiethoff (2008). Making sense of intractable multiparty conflict: A study of framing in four environmental disputes. Communication Monographs, 75, 25-51 2007 Cynthia Stohl and Michael Stohl (2007). Networks of terror: Theoretical assumptions and pragmatic consequences. Communication Theory, 17, 93-124 2006 Karen Lee Ashcraft (2006). Feminist-bureaucratic control and other adversarial allies: Extending organized dissonance to the practice of ‘new’ forms. Communication Monographs,73, 55-86 2005 Brian C. Taylor, William J. Kinsella, Stephen P. Depoe, and Maribeth S. Metzler (2005). Nuclear legacies: Communication, controversy, and the U.S. nuclear weapons production complex. In P. J. Kalbfleisch (Ed.) Communication Yearbook 29 (pp. 363-409). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum 2004 Timothy Kuhn and Steven R. Corman (2003). The emergence of homogeneity and heterogeneity in knowledge structures during a planned organizational change. Communication Monographs, 70, 198-229 2003 Erika L. Kirby, Annis G. Golden, Caryn E. Medved, Jane Jorgenson, and Patrice M. Buzzanell (2003). An organizational communication challenge to the discourse of work and family research: From problematics to empowerment. In P. J. Kalbfleisch (Ed.), Communication Yearbook 27 (pp. 1-44). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum 2002 Gail T. Fairhurst, François Cooren, and Daniel J. Cahill (2002). Discursiveness, contradiction, and unintended consequences in successive downsizings. Management Communication Quarterly, 15, 501-540 2001 James R. Taylor (2001). The “rational” organization reconsidered: An exploration of some of the organizational implications of self-organizing. Communication Theory, 11, 137-177 2001 Cynthia Stohl and George Cheney (2001). Participatory processes/paradoxical practices: Communication and the dilemmas of organizational democracy. Management Communication Quarterly, 14, 349-407 2000 William J. Kinsella (1999). Discourse, power, and knowledge in the management of “Big Science”: The production of consensus in a nuclear fusion research laboratory. Management Communication Quarterly, 13, 171-208 1999 Craig R. Scott, Steven R. Corman, and George Cheney (1998). Development of a structurational model of identification in the organization. Communication Theory, 8, 298-336 1998 George Cheney, Joseph Straub, Laura Speirs-Glebe, Cynthia Stohl, Dan Degooyer, Susan Whalen, Kathy Garvin-Doxas, and David Carlone (1998). Democracy, participation, and communication at work: A multi-disciplinary review. In M. E. Roloff (Ed.), Communication Yearbook 21 (pp. 35-91). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage 1997 Dean Scheibel (1996). Appropriating bodies: Organ(izing) ideology and cultural practice in medical school. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 24, 310-331 1996 Dennis K. Mumby (1996). Feminism, postmodernism, and organizational communication studies: A critical reading. Management Communication Quarterly, 9, 259-295 1995 Lisa A. Howard and Patricia Geist (1995). Ideological positioning in organizational change: The dialectic of control in a merging organization. Communications Monographs, 62, 110-131 1994 Gail T. Fairhurst (1993). The leader‐member exchange patterns of women leaders in industry: A discourse analysis. Communications Monographs, 60, 321-351 1993 Robin P. Clair (1993). The use of framing devices to sequester organizational narratives: Hegemony and harassment. Communications Monographs, 60, 113-136 1992 Terrance L. Albrecht and Bradford J. Hall (1991). Facilitating talk about new ideas: The role of personal relationships in organizational innovation. Communications Monographs, 58, 273-288 1991 Charles Conrad (1991). Communication in conflict: Style‐strategy relationships. Communications Monographs, 58, 135-155 1990 Eric M. Eisenberg (1990). Jamming transcendence through organizing. Communication Research, 17, 139-164 1989 Andrew H. Van de Ven and Marshall S. Poole (1988). Paradoxical requirements for a theory of organizational chang. In K. S. Cameron & R. E. Quinn (Eds.), Paradox and transformation: Toward a theory of change in organization and management (pp. 19-64). Cambridge, MA: Ballinger 1988 Robert D. McPhee (1988). Vertical communication chains toward an integrated approach. Management Communication Quarterly, 1, 455-493 1987 Dennis K. Mumby (1987). The political function of narrative in organizations. Communications Monographs, 54, 113-127 1985 Eric M. Eisenberg (1984). Ambiguity as strategy in organizational communication. Communication Monographs, 51, 227-242 1984 Michael E. Pacanowsky and Nick O’Donnell-Trujillo (1983). Organizational communication as cultural performance. Communications Monographs, 50, 126-147 1983 Linda L. Putnam and Ritch L. Sorenson (1982). Equivocal messages in organizations. Human Communication Research, 8, 114-132