2019 NCA Nominating Committee Call

May 15, 2020

Call for Nominations for
NCA Second Vice President, At-Large Members of the Legislative Assembly, 
and the Leadership Development Committee

The 2019-2020 NCA Nominating Committee solicits from any member of the Association names of possible nominees for NCA Second Vice President and At-Large Members of the Legislative Assembly and the Leadership Development Committee. 

The Nominating Committee will review and narrow the slate of nominees who will eventually appear on the general election ballot. The Nominating Committee will not be limited in its deliberations to the list of nominees. All nominees must be a member of the Association at the time of nomination and must agree to maintain membership during the term of office. The slate of nominees who will appear on the general ballot will be announced in September 2020. The general election will be conducted in December 2020.

Nominations are due Monday, May 15, 2020. Send nomination information electronically to nomination@natcom.org or by mail to:

National Communication Association
Attn: Nominating Committee
1765 N Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036

Questions can be submitted to the Nominating Committee Chair, Rich West, richard_west@emerson.edu or NCA Assistant Director of Governance and Membership,  Justin Danowski at jdanowski@natcom.org.     

Second-Vice President 
The elected Second Vice President will assume office on January 1, 2021, plan the 2022 NCA annual convention, serve as NCA president in 2023, and Immediate Past President in 2024. 

Qualifications of potential nominees include: 

  • a senior member of the Association at the time of nomination 
  • a record of ongoing involvement with NCA
  • a record of successful leadership experience 
  • an understanding of the communication discipline and the Association
  • an understanding of and commitment to work toward meeting NCA’s Strategic Plan
  • a sensitivity to and an understanding of diversity issues

Nomination materials must include:

  • A cover letter explaining one’s interest and reasons for seeking nomination
  • Current curriculum vitae of no more than 15 pages
  • Up to a 1000-word statement of goals for or vision for the Association
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Letter of institutional support for the specific duties of the position

Self-nominations are strongly encouraged. 

At-Large Members of the Legislative Assembly 
At-Large Members of the Legislative Assembly are elected to a three-year term to begin January 1, 2021. At least six members will be nominated and three will be elected by the membership.  

The Legislative Assembly serves a key liaison function between the leadership and the broader membership. The strength of NCA relies in significant part on informed responses to the questions that come before the LA. The business at the LA meetings is legally governed by the NCA Constitution and Bylaws, and decisions are guided by the Association’s strategic plan. 

Expectations: The LA meets as a body each year in tandem with NCA’s annual convention and is the principal policy-making body of NCA. There is typically a full afternoon session the day before the convention begins, as well as a shorter morning session on the third day of the convention. Additional work is completed electronically throughout the year. 

Officers, chairs, trustees (the LA and its EC who are listed on the IRS Form 990), key employees, substantial contributors or employees thereof, and grant selection committee members are not eligible to receive grants from NCA. General duties and responsibilities for members of the Legislative Assembly include:

  • attending the Legislative Assembly meetings held during the Annual Convention and
  • reviewing, deliberating, and voting in respect to Association matters as brought forth to the Legislative Assembly.

Qualifications: Nominees can be at any stage of their professional lives. At-Large Members represent emerging interests and critical problems and help the LA achieve a balanced representation of teaching levels, ethnic and minority group interests, gender, age, and academic status.

Each nomination must include:

  • A cover letter explaining one’s interest and reasons for seeking nomination
  • Current curriculum vitae of no more than three pages

Self-nominations are strongly encouraged. 

At-Large Members of the Leadership Development Committee 
At-Large Members of the Leadership Development Committee are elected to a two-year term to begin January 1, 2021. At least four members will be nominated and two will be elected by the membership.

The Leadership Development Committee nominates members to the Legislative Assembly to fill vacancies on association standing committees, boards, and such other vacant positions within the association governance. 

Expectations: General duties and responsibilities for occupancy of the position include: 

  • attending Leadership Development Committee meeting held during the NCA annual convention;
  • reviewing, deliberating on, and approving a slate of nominees for various governance positions; and
  • reaching out and encouraging members to stand for nomination to NCA committees.

Qualifications: A nominee should have a broad understanding of the discipline and NCA and have knowledge of and appreciation for the contributions made by members of NCA committees in the variety of work they do for the discipline and the Association. Nominees should also be able to contribute to the search for talented and engaged NCA members to serve the discipline and NCA. 

Each nomination must include:

  • A cover letter explaining one’s interest and reasons for seeking nomination
  • Current curriculum vitae of no more than 3 pages

Self-nominations are strongly encouraged.