2022 Leadership Development Committee Call

October 17, 2022

NCA Governance and Award Committee Members Call

NCA seeks members to serve on a variety of governance and award selection committees. All nominations are reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. Nominations from traditionally under-represented groups are especially encouraged as the Leadership Development Committee considers seriously NCA’s diversity and inclusion goals when identifying potential members. Self-nominations are welcome. All nominees must be current NCA members.

Required Nomination Materials

  • A one-page cover letter summarizing qualifications, specifically indicating previous service to NCA and/or relevant professional service along with how such service has prepared you for the position.  Please include a statement indicating that, if appointed, you agree to serve on the relevant committee and maintain NCA membership while serving.
  • Curriculum vitae.
  • A one-page letter of recommendation from someone at the member’s institution, department, or a person familiar with the member’s qualifications specific to the position.

Please submit materials electronically to nomination@natcom.org no later than October 17, 2022 as a PDF document with the name of the position or committee in the subject line of the email. 

Final appointment decisions are made by the Legislative Assembly in November. All nominees will be notified in early December.

To learn more about specific opportunities to serve our discipline, please click on the links below.

Governance, Council and Standing Committee Positions

Legislative Assembly

Two LA Director positions to serve three-year terms starting January 2023.

The Legislative Assembly (LA) is composed of approximately 170 members consisting of representatives of NCA’s 65 interest groups, the NCA Executive Committee, three members each of the four Regional Associations, one member of the National States Advisory Council and the Association of Communication Administration, nine at-large directors, and six directors appointed by the LA. The chair of the 2023 LA is incoming President Walid Afifi. 

The LA serves a key liaison function between the leadership and the broader membership. The strength of the Association relies in significant part on informed responses to the questions that come before the Legislative Assembly. The business at the LA meetings is legally governed by the NCA bylaws, and decisions are guided by the Association’s strategic plan. The Legislative Assembly shall exercise fiduciary responsibility over the affairs of NCA and is responsible for the overall strategic direction and policymaking of the Association (Bylaws Article III, Section 3). 

The LA meets each year in tandem with NCA’s annual convention and is the principal policy making body of the Association. There is typically an afternoon session the Wednesday from noon to 4 p.m. before the convention, as well as a morning session from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Saturday. NCA will provide lunch during the Wednesday session and breakfast at the Saturday session. LA members will receive materials at least two weeks prior to the Wednesday session. Members are expected to review and be familiar with all materials prior to the Wednesday session. 

Additionally, the LA votes electronically in the Spring to approve Journal Editors for a three-year term. 

General duties and responsibilities for members of the Legislative Assembly include: attending the Legislative Assembly meetings held during the Annual Convention and reviewing, deliberating, and voting in respect to Association matters as brought forth to the Legislative Assembly.

Officers, directors, trustees, key employees, substantial contributors or employees thereof, and grant selection committee members are not eligible to receive grants from NCA.

Nominees can be at any stage of their professional career. LA Directors are appointed to address emerging interests and critical problems within the membership and to achieve a balanced representation of teaching levels, ethnic and minority group interests, sex, age, and academic status. Preference for LA Director positions will be given to those who fulfill NCA’s mission towards IDEA initiatives. 

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other LA members while discussing various issues during sessions
  • The ability to think comprehensively about current issues within the field of Communication
  • An understanding of, or willingness to learn LA responsibilities and the mission of NCA
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships in favor of what is best for NCA as an Association
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required 

NCA supports inclusivity, diversity, equity, and access among all volunteer leadership positions. NCA’s IDEA strategic plan is taken under consideration during all discussions. 
Selection Process: 
Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Nominating Committee

One Member appointed by the Legislative Assembly to serve a one-year term as chair starting January 2023.

One At-Large Member position appointed by the Legislative Assembly to serve a one-year term starting January 2023.

At least four but up to eight At-Large Members selected by the Leadership Development Committee and approved by the Legislative Assembly to be placed on the Association’s general election ballot in December 2022, where four will be elected to serve a one-year term starting in January 2023. 

The Nominating Committee is responsible for preparing a slate for the election of the Second Vice President, the At-Large Directors of the Legislative Assembly, and the At-Large Members of the Leadership Development Committee. 

The Nominating Committee is tasked with recruiting potential nominees as well as reviewing and narrowing the slate of nominees who will appear on the general ballot. The committee meets two or three times a year virtually to discuss possible candidates and determine the slate that will be presented to the membership in December. The first meeting takes place in the Spring roughly in March or April; the second meeting is in the Summer usually in July; the third meeting is in the Fall in August or September to finalize the slate for the December election. Committee member workload is two-four hours a month from March – September. 

Nominees for chair should be members of the association with a long history of service to NCA. Nominees for At-Large positions can be at any stage of their professional lives.  

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other Nominating Committee members while discussing possible nominees
  • The ability to think comprehensively about current issues within the field of Communication
  • An understanding of, or willingness to learn about the mission of NCA
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships in favor of what is best for NCA as an Association
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required 

NCA supports inclusivity, diversity, equity, and access among all volunteer leadership positions. NCA’s IDEA strategic plan is taken under consideration during all discussions. 
Selection Process: 
Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Finance Committee

One position to serve a three-year term (third year as committee chair) starting January 2023. 

The Finance Committee is responsible for providing guidance and information to the Legislative Assembly on the financial affairs of the Association and shall have such other responsibilities as are established by the Legislative Assembly or Executive Committee of the Legislative Assembly.

In addition to meeting the responsibilities of the Finance Committee, members serve on the Legislative Assembly and its Executive Committee (with voting rights on both bodies). As members of the Executive Committee, Finance Committee members are expected to attend two meetings in the Washington, DC area each year in February and August. Finance Committee members arrive a day early in August to discuss the proposed budget for the following year with the Executive Director and Chief Financial Officer. 

The Finance Committee also meets in November during the annual convention for an Executive Committee meeting the Wednesday morning of convention and the Legislative Assembly meeting sessions on Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning. Convention travel and food expenses are NOT covered. The Finance Committee Chair is expected to present the proposed budget to the Legislative Assembly at its Wednesday meeting.  

The Finance Committee participates in a scheduled Executive Committee virtual meeting in June as well as email and virtually throughout the year. Finance Committee members fulfill all standard responsibilities of non-profit Board members. All new EC members are expected to attend an EC orientation virtually before the February leadership retreat.  

Financial Considerations: 
NCA pays all expenses for in-person Executive Committee meetings in February and August including airfare or car mileage, hotel, taxis or Uber/Lyft. Meals not provided by NCA are reimbursed per NCA’s per diem policy. 

Given the complexity of the work on which the Finance Committee focuses, the committee is committed to having members with demonstrated financial experience. The committee is committed to diversity of experience and wants to ensure people at all career stages have an opportunity to participate in the association at this level.

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other Finance Committee members and Executive Committee members while discussing possible proposals and discussion items pertinent to NCA
  • The ability to think comprehensively about current issues within the field of Communication
  • An understanding of, or willingness to learn the mission of NCA, its bylaws, policy manuals and fiduciary responsibilities 
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships in favor of what is best for NCA as an Association
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required 

NCA supports inclusivity, diversity, equity, and access among all volunteer leadership positions. NCA’s IDEA strategic plan is taken under consideration during all discussions. 
Selection Process: 
Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Mentorship and Leadership Council Chair

One position for a three-year term starting in January 2023 as chair.

The Mentorship and Leadership Council Chair works with the newly formed council to establish goals and objectives with deliverable outcomes that moves NCA’s Strategic Plan forward. The chair will consult with the Executive Committee and Executive Director to recommend and implement suggestions from the NCA Task Force on Mentorship report completed in 2020. 

Council members meet in-person twice each year, once near Washington, DC in February (travel expenses covered by NCA) and once during the NCA Annual Convention. Throughout the year, the council may convene virtually and communicate through email. Members are expected to review and be familiar with all materials sent prior to their meetings. 

The chair works closely with the assigned NCA council staff liaison. Continual engagement with the staff liaison is expected, with each keeping the other apprised of emerging issues to ensure smooth council operations. It is expected that the chair will consult with the liaison on agenda items, including the development of new proposals and ideas, in advance of meetings, and provide copies of all agendas, minutes, proposals, and other pertinent documents.

In addition to meeting the responsibilities of the council, the chair serves on the Legislative Assembly and its Executive Committee (with voting rights on both bodies). As a member of the Executive Committee, the chair is expected to attend two meetings in the Washington, DC area each year in February and August. 

The chair also meets for an Executive Committee meeting in November on the Wednesday morning of convention and the Legislative Assembly meeting sessions on Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning. Convention travel and food expenses are NOT covered. The chair is expected to present a report that review council activities from the previous year to the Legislative Assembly at its Wednesday meeting.  

The chair participates in a scheduled Executive Committee virtual meeting in June as well as email and virtually throughout the year. The chair fulfills all standard responsibilities of non-profit Board members, which includes an EC orientation virtually before the February leadership retreat.  

Financial Considerations: 
NCA pays all expenses for in-person Executive Committee meetings in February and August including airfare or car mileage, hotel, taxis or Uber/Lyft. Meals not provided by NCA are reimbursed per NCA’s per diem policy. 

The chair of the Mentorship and Leadership Council should be someone with extensive knowledge of mentorship from campus/department experiences as well as a proven service/leadership record from NCA councils/committee/interest groups.

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other LMC members while discussing various issues during meetings and throughout the year
  • The ability to think comprehensively about building mentorship opportunities within the Association.
  • An understanding of the mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships in favor of what is best for NCA as an Association
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Director of Academic and Professional Affairs. 

Selection Process: 
Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Mentorship and Leadership Council 

Six Positions for a term staring in January 2023
Two members for a one-year term from 2022-2022
Two members for a two-year term from 2022-2023
Two members for a three-year term from 2022-2024

The Mentorship and Leadership Council was established in 2021 by the Legislative Assembly to help create innovative ideas and research best practices in mentoring within NCA. Council members work with the chair to establish goals and objectives with deliverable outcomes that moves NCA’s Strategic Plan forward. 

Council members meet in-person twice each year, once near Washington, DC in February (travel expenses covered by NCA) and once during the NCA Annual Convention. Throughout the year, the council may convene virtually and communicate through email. 

The committee reviews proposals electronically throughout the year for an average of 4-5 hours per month. The time commitment for committee members is dependent on the number of nominations. 

As the Mentorship and Leadership Council is committed to diversity of experience, the Council typically includes representatives from the broad range of research methodologies in the Communication discipline. Council members should also have a strong record of mentorship within their institution/community and demonstrate ongoing NCA leadership.

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other Council members while discussing various issues during meetings and throughout the year.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about mentorship and leadership across various methodologies. 
  • An understanding of the mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships in favor of what is best for NCA as an Association
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required.

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Director of Academic and Professional Affairs. 

Selection Process: 
Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17.

Publications Council

Two positions for three-year terms starting January 2023.
The NCA Publications Council is responsible for supporting the Association’s publishing program, including recommending editors to the Legislative Assembly for the Association’s journals and filling journal editor vacancies as necessary.

Council members meet in-person twice each year, once near Washington, DC in February (travel expenses covered by NCA) and once during the NCA Annual Convention. Throughout the year, the council may convene virtually and communicate through email. Members are expected to review and be familiar with all materials sent prior to their meetings. 

The committee reviews proposals, nominations for journal editors electronically throughout the year for an average of 4-5 hours per month. The time commitment for committee members is dependent on the number of proposals and nominations. 

Given the need to identify and recruit new editors for each of NCA’s 12 scholarly journals as these positions become vacant, as well as the desire to continuously improve the journals’ quality and operational excellence, the Publications Council will have members who enjoy high visibility in the discipline and have editorial experience. 

Because the journals cover a wide range of Communication-related subjects, the Council will include members who are diverse in terms of subject expertise with a mixture of humanities and social science perspectives reflected in its composition. 

Preference for Publications Council positions will be given to those who help fulfill NCA’s mission toward IDEA initiatives. 

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other Publications Council members while discussing various issues during meetings and throughout the year
  • The ability to think comprehensively about current Communication publishing issues
  • An understanding of the journal editing process and the mission of NCA
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships in favor of what is best for NCA as an Association
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required 

NCA supports inclusivity, diversity, equity, and access among all volunteer leadership positions. NCA’s IDEA strategic plan is taken under consideration during all discussions. 

Selection Process: 
Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Director of Publications

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Research Council

Two positions for three-year terms starting January 2023.

The Research Council is responsible for supporting the creation and dissemination of knowledge about communication.

Council members meet in-person twice each year, once near Washington, DC in February (travel expenses covered by NCA) and once during the NCA Annual Convention. Throughout the year, the council may convene virtually and communicate through email. This Council manages several important tasks including reviewing applications for the Charles H. Woolbert Research Award, serving as a reviewer for Research Council Grants and applications to the Mid-Career Scholars Writing Retreat, helping to secure hosts for the Doctoral Honors Seminar, identifying individuals to attend advocacy events in Washington, DC in support of both the social sciences and humanities, and developing convention programming. 

The committee reviews proposals, nominations for the Woolbert Award, and grants electronically throughout the year for an average of 4-5 hours per month. The time commitment for committee members is dependent on the number of nominations. 

As the Research Council is committed to diversity of experience and intellectual pursuit, the Council typically includes representatives from the broad range of research methodologies in the Communication discipline. Nominees should have a record of research excellence.

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other Research Council members while discussing various issues during meetings and throughout the year.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about current Communication research across various methodologies. 
  • An understanding of the mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships in favor of what is best for NCA as an Association
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required.

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Director of Academic and Professional Affairs. 

Selection Process: 
Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Teaching and Learning Council Chair-Elect

One position, to serve a one-year term as Chair-Elect starting in January 2023 and as Chair for a three-year term starting in January 2024. 

The Teaching and Learning Council (TLC) supports and promotes disciplinary pedagogy through facilitation of professional development opportunities for communication educators and through dissemination efforts beyond the discipline. The TLC Chair works in conjunction with the NCA staff liaison to ensure council goals and objectives are met. The TLC Chair also serves on the NCA Executive Committee. 

Council members meet in-person twice each year, once near Washington, DC in February at the annual leadership retreat (travel expenses covered by NCA) and once during the NCA Annual Convention. The Chair-Elect is expected to attend the retThroughout the year, the council may convene virtually and communicate through email. Members are expected to review and be familiar with all materials sent prior to their meetings.

The chair works closely with the assigned NCA council staff liaison. Continual engagement with the staff liaison is expected, with each keeping the other apprised of emerging issues to ensure smooth council operations. It is expected that the chair will consult with the liaison on agenda items, including the development of new proposals and ideas, in advance of meetings, and provide copies of all agendas, minutes, proposals, and other pertinent documents.

In addition to meeting the responsibilities of the council, the chair serves on the Legislative Assembly and its Executive Committee (with voting rights on both bodies). As a member of the Executive Committee, the chair is expected to attend two meetings in the Washington, DC area each year in February and August. 

The chair also meets for an Executive Committee meeting in November on the Wednesday morning of convention and the Legislative Assembly meeting sessions on Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning. Convention travel and food expenses are NOT covered. The chair is expected to present a report that review council activities from the previous year to the Legislative Assembly at its Wednesday meeting.  

The chair participates in a scheduled Executive Committee virtual meeting in June as well as email and virtually throughout the year. The chair fulfills all standard responsibilities of non-profit Board members, which includes an EC orientation virtually before the February leadership retreat.  

Financial Considerations: 
NCA pays all expenses for in-person Executive Committee meetings in February and August including airfare or car mileage, hotel, taxis or Uber/Lyft. Meals not provided by NCA are reimbursed per NCA’s per diem policy. 

The chair of the Teaching and Learning Council should be someone with extensive knowledge in research in teaching and learning, learner-centered pedagogy, a strong record of teaching, and active involvement in NCA. 

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other TLC members while discussing various issues during meetings and throughout the year
  • The ability to think comprehensively about current Communication teaching issues from K-12, Community College, and Four-year institutions. 
  • An understanding of the mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships in favor of what is best for NCA as an Association
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
The Teaching and Learning Council works with the Director of Academic and Professional Affairs. 
Selection Process: 
Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Teaching and Learning Council 

Two positions, to serve three-year terms starting January 2023.

The Teaching and Learning Council is responsible for supporting disciplinary pedagogy by professional development opportunities for communication educators and sharing communication pedagogy beyond the discipline.

Council members meet in-person twice each year, once near Washington, DC in February (travel expenses covered by NCA) and once during the NCA Annual Convention. Throughout the year, the Council may convene virtually and communicate through email.

The committee reviews proposals electronically throughout the year for an average of 3-4 hours per month. The time commitment for committee members is dependent on the number of proposals. 

The Teaching and Learning Council seeks members who are interested primarily in working towards the mission of the council. To that end, the Council typically includes individuals with a demonstrated background and interest in communication and instruction, including an understanding of research in teaching and learning and a commitment to learner-centered pedagogy and a strong record of teaching. This Council, in collaboration with its liaison, is involved in the development of teaching and learning content as well as reviewing nominations for the Donald H. Ecroyd Award for Outstanding Teaching in Higher Education and developing convention programming.

The Council includes members from all educational sections, including community colleges, elementary/secondary education, and diversity of higher education institutions.

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other TLC members while discussing various issues during meetings and throughout the year
  • The ability to think comprehensively about current Communication teaching issues from K-12, Community College, and Four-year institutions. 
  • An understanding of the mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships in favor of what is best for NCA as an Association
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Director of Academic and Professional Affairs. 

Selection Process: 
Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17.

Resolutions Committee

Two positions to serve three-year terms starting January 2023.

The Resolutions Committee is responsible for reviewing the proposed public statements and providing related recommendations to the Legislative Assembly.

The Resolutions Committee receives, reviews, edits, and recommends action on public statements brought for consideration before the Legislative Assembly. The Committee convenes virtually and communicates through email. Members are expected to review and be familiar with all materials sent prior to meetings.

The National Office will disseminate the call for resolutions in February with a July deadline. If any resolutions are submitted, the committee will meet virtually in August to provide feedback to the submitter and a recommendation, which will be forwarded to the Legislative Assembly. A member of the committee, traditionally the chair, will attend the Wednesday, November 15 afternoon session of the Legislative Assembly, before the annual convention at National Harbor, Maryland, to forward the resolution with recommendation to the body. 

The committee is expective to attend an orientation in February and 2-4 hours for virtual meetings in August and 2-3 hours in November at the convention if attending the Legislative Assembly is required.  

Selection Process: 
Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

The committee seeks to keep a balance of representation of members from various institution types, career stages, and geographic locations. The Leadership Development Committee also considers seriously NCA’s diversity and inclusion goals when identifying potential members.

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 
•    A willingness to collaborate with other committee members while discussing various issues during meetings. 
•    The ability to think comprehensively about current Communication issues.
•    An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
•    The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships in favor of what is best for NCA as an Association.
•    A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17.

Convention Committee

Two positions to serve three-year terms starting January 2023.

The Convention Committee is responsible for providing recommendations on issues related to the Annual Convention including commenting on convention related proposals brought to the NCA Executive Committee, reviewing convention site proposals and providing site recommendations to the National Office, recommending changes to the Annual Convention based on feedback provided via the annual convention attendee survey, and discussing ways in which the Annual Convention can better serve NCA members and convention attendees. 

Working the NCA National Office convention staff, the committee meets in person once each year during the NCA Annual Convention and will also attend the in person NCA Leadership Retreat held each February (travel, lodging, and meals will be provided for the February retreat) The committee will meet virtual prior to each NCA Executive Committee meeting (up to four meetings, January, May, July, October) to review convention specific proposals coming before the EC and may meet as needed to discuss pressing issues related to the convention. Throughout the year, the committee may communicate via electronic means. 

The committee reviews convention related proposals electronically throughout the year for an average of 3-4 hours per month. The time commitment for selection committee members is dependent on the number of proposals. 

The committee seeks to keep a balance of representation of members from various institution types, career stages, and geographic locations. The Leadership Development Committee also considers seriously NCA’s diversity and inclusion goals when identifying potential members.

  • Attended the Annual Convention at least twice within the last five years.
  • Able to attend the Annual Convention all three years while serving as a member of this committee.
  • Knowledge of, or willingness to research current issues facing attendees of the Annual Convention.
  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members while discussing various issues related to the Annual Convention.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about current issues within the field of Communication.
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 
  • Experience as a program planner at the regional or national level is preferred.

Selection Process: 
Nominations for the position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. The committee is comprised of a Chair and five members. The Chair is be selected from among the first- and second-year members of the committee to serve a term of one year. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Kristin Yednock, Director of Convention and Meetings.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17.


Award Selection Committee Positions

Bernard J. Brommel Award for Outstanding Scholarship for Distinguished Service In Family Communication Selection Committee

One position to serve a three-year term starting January 2023.

The Bernard J. Brommel Award for Outstanding Scholarship or Distinguished Service in Family Communication recognizes outstanding scholarship or distinguished service in the field of family communication. This contribution may include research published in scholarly publications or leadership in instructional areas. Scholarship is broadly defined to include the spectrum of scholarly writing found in articles published in any journal or by members publishing in major research journals sponsored by other associations or organizations, or in book or monograph form.

This award can also be given to someone who has made an outstanding contribution over a period of years to family communication through leadership, teaching, or promoting the area of family communication at the local, regional, or national level. The award also can be given to someone who combines both scholarly contributions with instructional leadership.

Committee members review, evaluate, deliberate, and select a winner as prescribed by the individual award guidelines. Committee chair is responsible for coordinating the work of the selection committee and ensuring all deadlines are met. The chair is the third-year member of the committee. 

The selection committee reviews nomination materials electronically from June to August for an average of 2-3 hours per month. The time commitment for selection committee members is dependent on the number of nominations. 

Nominees should be at the mid-career stage or beyond and focused on teaching and/or researching in family communication. 

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about Family Communication research.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  •  A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
The selection committee is comprised of three members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendation of the Leadership Development Committee is then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17.

Diamond Anniversary Book Award Selection Committee

Two positions, to serve three-year terms, starting January 2023.

The Diamond Anniversary Book Award honors the most outstanding scholarly book published during the previous year. Only books published in 2022 will be eligible for the award. The selection committee evaluates books for a generation of research judged to be critical to the discipline of communication; dedication to excellence in the conception and method guiding the analysis; the presentation of findings which generate new insights and understandings regarding communication; and explicit sensitivity to the potential uses and value of the analysis for others in areas such as research, teaching, and application.

Selection committee members are responsible for reviewing, evaluating, deliberating, and selecting a winner as prescribed by the individual award guidelines. Committee Chair is responsible for coordinating the work of the selection committee and ensuring all deadlines are met. The chair is selected by the committee from the members entering their second or third year. 

The selection committee receives a physical copy of each nominated book mailed to them in early June and reviews other supporting materials electronically from June to September. The time commitment for selection committee members depends on the number of nominations. 

Committee members are responsible for reviewing, evaluating, deliberating, and selecting a winner as prescribed by the individual award guidelines. The selection committee chair is chosen by the committee and is responsible for coordinating the work, ensuring deadlines are met, and providing the NCA Staff Liaison with a 100-word blurb for why the winner is deserving of the award.

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about Communication research.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships while reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
The selection committee is comprised of six members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendation of the Leadership Development Committee is then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Distinguished Scholar Award Selection Committee

One position to serve a three-year term starting January 2023.

The NCA Distinguished Scholar Award was created in 1991 to recognize NCA members for a lifetime of scholarly achievement in the study of communication. Recipients are selected to reflect excellence within the communication profession.

Committee members review, evaluate, deliberate, and select a winner as prescribed by the individual award guidelines. Committee chair is responsible for coordinating the work of the selection committee and ensuring all deadlines are met. The chair is the third-year member of the committee. 

The selection committee reviews nomination materials electronically from June to August for an average of 4-5 hours per month. The time commitment for selection committee members is dependent on the number of nominations. 

Nominees should be at the mid-career stage or beyond and can demonstrate continued service to NCA.

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about Communication research, pedagogy, and service.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
The selection committee is comprised of three members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendation of the Leadership Development Committee is then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17.

Donald P. Cushman Memorial Award Selection Committee

Two positions to serve a three-year term starting January 2023.

The Donald P. Cushman Memorial Award was created to honor Dr. Cushman, an influential figure in the field of communication. The award is designed to recognize Cushman’s mentorship of students, which centered around excellence in scholarship, as well as students’ socialization as scholars in the communication discipline. The award honors the top-ranked student-authored paper from all NCA Interest Groups that competitively rank papers for programming at the NCA Annual Convention. 

Committee members review, evaluate, deliberate, and select a winner as prescribed by the individual award guidelines. Committee chair is responsible for coordinating the work of the selection committee and ensuring all deadlines are met. The chair is selected by the committee from the members entering their second or third year. 

The selection committee reviews nomination materials electronically from June to September for an average of 5-6 hours per month. The time commitment for selection committee members is dependent on the number of nominations.

Nominees must hold a doctoral degree, have faculty status, and be able to demonstrate relevant experience in evaluating advanced student scholarship. 

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about Communication student research.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
The selection committee is comprised of six members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendation of the Leadership Development Committee is then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Franklyn S. Haiman Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Freedom of Expression Selection Committee

One position to serve a three-year term starting January 2023. 

The Franklyn S. Haiman Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Freedom of Expression honors outstanding published research on freedom of expression. The content criteria to be used for the award selection procedures include the vitality and importance of the subject; the calculated impact of the study upon its audience; the quality of composition; and the enduring value of the scholarship.

Committee members review, evaluate, deliberate, and select a winner as prescribed by the individual award guidelines. Committee chair is responsible for coordinating the work of the selection committee and ensuring all deadlines are met. The chair is the third-year member of the committee. 

The selection committee reviews nomination materials electronically from June to August for an average of 3-4 hours per month. The time commitment for selection committee members is dependent on the number of nominations.

Nominees should be engaged in teaching/research in freedom of expression. The current editor of Communication and Democracy (formerly First Amendment Studies) is ineligible to serve on the selection committee during their term as editor.

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about First Amendment research.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
The selection committee is comprised of three members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendation of the Leadership Development Committee is then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Gerald M. Phillips Award for Distinguished Applied Communication Scholarship Selection Committee

One position to serve a three-year term starting January 2023.

The Gerald M. Phillips Award for Distinguished Applied Communication Scholarship honors the author of a body of published research and creative scholarship in applied communication. The body of scholarship recognized by the award is broadly defined to include the spectrum of scholarship expressed by the Journal of Applied Communication Research, but only as a model for defining the scope of the award. The body of scholarship recognized by the award may be published in any journal, book, or monograph, or published in other than print media, such as but not limited to film, video tape, audio tape, or radio.

Expectations: Committee members review, evaluate, deliberate, and select a winner as prescribed by the individual award guidelines. Committee chair is responsible for coordinating the work of the selection committee and ensuring all deadlines are met. The chair is the third-year member of the committee. 

Workload: The selection committee reviews nomination materials electronically from June to August for an average of 3-4 hours per month. The time commitment for selection committee members is dependent on the number of nominations.

Qualifications: Nominees should be engaged in teaching/research in Applied Communication. 

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about Applied Communication research.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: The selection committee is comprised of three members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendation of the Leadership Development Committee is then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments.

NCA Staff Liaison: Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance.

Nomination Materials: Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Global Communication Award Selection Committee

Three positions to serve staggered terms: 

  • Person A: One year term starting January 2023
  • Person B: Two-year term starting January 2023
  • Person C: Three-year term starting January 2023

The Global Communication Award recognizes communication scholars who have demonstrated outstanding scholarship and notable service in the areas of global communication. Specifically, the recipient will be recognized for distinguished communication scholarship that: 1. De-Westernizes way of knowing and doing, 2. Focuses on regions, communities, or spaces outside of the United States and Europe Integrates and cities international, and global scholars, theories, approaches, and/or methodologies in their scholarship, 3. Amplifies the global ecologies of knowledge. 

Committee members review, evaluate, deliberate, and select a winner as prescribed by the individual award guidelines. Committee chair is responsible for coordinating the work of the selection committee and ensuring all deadlines are met. The chair is the third-year member of the committee. 

The selection committee reviews nomination materials electronically from June to August for an average of 2-3 hours per month. The time commitment for selection committee members is dependent on the number of nominations. 

Nominees should be at the mid-career stage or beyond and focused on teaching and/or researching in global communication. 

NOTE: At least one member must a scholar residing or working outside of the United States.

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about Global Communication research.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
The selection committee is comprised of three members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendation of the Leadership Development Committee is then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Golden Anniversary Monograph Award Selection Committee

Three positions to serve two-year terms starting January 2023.

The Golden Anniversary Monograph Award honors the most outstanding scholarly monograph published during the previous calendar year in any of the areas of the speech communication arts and sciences.

Committee members review, evaluate, deliberate, and select a winner as prescribed by the individual award guidelines. Committee chair is responsible for coordinating the work of the selection committee and ensuring all deadlines are met and is selected by the committee from members entering their second year of service. 

The selection committee reviews nomination materials electronically from June to September for an average of 5-6 hours per month. The time commitment for selection committee members is dependent on the number of nominations. 

Nominees should be engaged in research from various Communication methodological backgrounds. 

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about Communication research.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: The selection committee is comprised of six members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendation of the Leadership Development Committee is then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments.

NCA Staff Liaison: Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance.

Nomination Materials: Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Interpretation/Performance Studies Selection Committee

One position to serve a three-year term starting January 2023.

The Interpretation/Performance Studies Committee selects the recipients of the Leslie Irene Coger Award for Distinguished Performance and the Lilla A. Heston Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Interpretation and Performance Studies. 

The Leslie Irene Coger Award recognizes NCA members with outstanding careers in performance. The award is given for a body of performance or an outstanding career in performance. It may, in exceptional cases, be given to performers of a single or a smaller body of performance.

The Lilla A. Heston Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Interpretation and Performance Studies recognizes NCA members who have published research and creative scholarship in interpretation and performance. 

Committee members review, evaluate, deliberate, and select a winner as prescribed by the individual award guidelines. Committee chair is responsible for coordinating the work of the selection committee and ensuring all deadlines are met. The chair is the third-year member of the committee. 

The selection committee reviews nomination materials electronically from June to August for an average of 3-4 hours per month. The time commitment for selection committee members is dependent on the number of nominations.

Nominees should be engaged and knowledgeable in performance studies and interpretation research.

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about various interpretation and performance studies methodologies.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
The selection committee is comprised of three members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendation of the Leadership Development Committee is then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17.

Mark L. Knapp Award in Interpersonal Communication Selection Committee

Two positions to serve two-year terms starting January 2023. 

The Mark L. Knapp Award in Interpersonal Communication recognizes career contributions to the study of interpersonal communication. The award recognizes individuals who have made significant scholarly contributions to the study of interaction and/or relational processes.  Honorees will have also contributed to the quality of interpersonal communication through active involvement in the discipline, significant mentoring of students, and/or public service focused on interpersonal communication.

Committee members review, evaluate, deliberate, and select a winner as prescribed by the individual award guidelines. Committee chair is responsible for coordinating the work of the selection committee and ensuring all deadlines are met. The chair is selected by the committee amongst the second-year members.

The selection committee reviews nomination materials electronically from June to August for an average of 4-5 hours per month. The time commitment for selection committee members is dependent on the number of nominations.

Nominees should be recognized leaders in the study of interpersonal communication and well-acquainted with the broad scope of scholarship in the area.

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about Interpersonal Communication.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
The selection committee is comprised of four members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendation of the Leadership Development Committee is then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Marsha Houston Award Selection Committee

One position to serve three-year terms starting January 2023. 

The award honors Dr. Marsha Houston noted African American feminist communication scholar who was instrumental in helping raise and duly ensure recognition of the collective academic voices of African American women and other women of color in conventional feminist communication. 

 Committee members review, evaluate, deliberate, and select a winner as prescribed by the individual award guidelines. Committee chair is responsible for coordinating the work of the selection committee and ensuring all deadlines are met. The chair is the third-year member of the committee. 

The selection committee reviews nomination materials electronically from June to August for an average of 3-4 hours per month. The time commitment for selection committee members is dependent on the number of nominations.

Nominees should be recognized leaders in the study of Feminist Communication Theory. 

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about Feminist Communication Theory.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
The selection committee is comprised of three members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendation of the Leadership Development Committee is then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Orlando L. Taylor Distinguished Scholarship Award in Africana Communication Selection Committee

One position to serve a three-year term starting January 2023.

Orlando L. Taylor was the first African American to serve as president of NCA. The award recognizes a scholar whose body of scholarship demonstrates a sustained commitment to the study of African American and/or African Diaspora communication and culture.

Committee members review, evaluate, deliberate, and select a winner as prescribed by the individual award guidelines. Committee chair is responsible for coordinating the work of the selection committee and ensuring all deadlines are met. The chair is the third-year member of the committee. 

The selection committee reviews nomination materials electronically from June to August for an average of 4-5 hours per month. The time commitment for selection committee members is dependent on the number of nominations.

Nominees should be at any stage of their professional career and have experience in Africana Communication research, culture, and teaching. 

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about Africana Communication research, culture, and teaching..
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
The selection committee is comprised of three members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendation of the Leadership Development Committee is then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Professional Service Awards selection Committee

Three positions to serve one-year terms starting January 2023. 

The Professional Service Awards Committee selects the recipients of the Robert J. Kibler Memorial Award and the Samuel L. Becker Distinguished Service Award. Both awards honor members who have demonstrated excellence, commitment, and service to the Association and the discipline. 

The Robert J. Kibler Memorial Award honors those who have epitomized the qualities of Robert Kibler’s professional and personal life, including dedication to excellence, commitment to the profession, concern for others, a vision of what could be, acceptance of diversity, and forthrightness.

The Samuel L. Becker Distinguished Service Award honors a person who has made the greatest contribution to the Association and the profession during her or his career. The contributions may be in research, teaching, or service. In most cases, the selected honorees have made outstanding contributions in all three areas.

Committee members review, evaluate, deliberate, and select a winner as prescribed by the individual award guidelines. Committee chair is responsible for coordinating the work of the selection committee and ensuring all deadlines are met. The chair will be selected by the committee.  

The selection committee reviews nomination materials electronically from June to August for an average of 4-5 hours per month. The time commitment for selection committee members is dependent on the number of nominations.

Nominees should be at any stage of their professional career and have a proven record of service with NCA. 

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about communication research, teaching, and service.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
The selection committee is comprised of three members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendation of the Leadership Development Committee is then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Rhetorical Scholarship award Selection Committee

Two positions to serve a three-year term starting in January 2023. 

The Rhetorical Scholarship Selection Committee selects the recipients of the Douglas W. Ehninger Distinguished Rhetorical Scholar Award, the James A. Winans-Herbert A. Wichelns Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Rhetoric and Public Address, and the Karl. R. Wallace Memorial Award. 

The Ehninger award honors distinguished scholars who have executed research programs in rhetorical theory, rhetorical criticism, or public address studies. 

The Winans-Wichelns award honors Rhetorical and Public Address scholarship that has been published by NCA members in the previous year based on copyright date. 

The Wallace award is given to foster and promote philosophical, historical, or critical scholarship in rhetoric and public discourse.
Committee members review, evaluate, deliberate, and select a winner as prescribed by the individual award guidelines. Committee chair is responsible for coordinating the work of the selection committee and ensuring all deadlines are met. The chair is chosen by the committee. 

The selection committee reviews nomination materials electronically from June to September for an average of 8-10 hours per month. The time commitment for selection committee members is dependent on the number of nominations.

Nominees should be at any stage of their professional career and have a proven record of in rhetorical studies or public address. 

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about rhetorical studies or public address research, teaching, and service.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
The selection committee is comprised of six members. Nominations for three of the positions are reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendation of the Leadership Development Committee is then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. Other selection committee positions are filled by the Rhetorical and Communication Theory Division and Public Address Division. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17.

Stephen E. Lucas Debut Publication Award Selection Committee

One position to serve a three-year term starting in January 2023.

The Stephen E. Lucas Debut Publication Award honors new scholars in the communication discipline who have published their first scholarly book or monograph. Honored scholars are selected on the highest standards of academic rigor. Submissions address any area of communication research and may employ any methodology. Submissions are judged on their ability to open new fields of research for the discipline, for their potential to influence research in a particular area of the discipline, and/or for their potential to become standard reading for scholars in the discipline.

Committee members review, evaluate, deliberate, and select a winner as prescribed by the individual award guidelines. Committee chair is responsible for coordinating the work of the selection committee and ensuring all deadlines are met. The chair is the third-year member of the committee.

The selection committee reviews nomination materials electronically from June to September for an average of 5-6 hours per month. The time commitment for selection committee members is dependent on the number of nominations.

Nominees should be at any stage of their professional career and have a proven record of research excellence. 

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about communication research.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
The selection committee is comprised of three members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendation of the Leadership Development Committee is then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

NCA Staff Liaison:
Justin Danowski, Director of Membership and Governance.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 


Other Committee Positions

Committee on International Discussion and Debate (CIDD)

One Position for a member to serve a four-year term starting in January 2023. 

The Committee on International Discussion and Debate promotes international understanding and the practice of communication through discussion and debates between students from the United States and other nations. The program seeks to broaden the scope of international educational and cultural exchanges by providing a channel for the exchange of ideas and attitudes among students and young people in America and throughout the world; make possible informal meetings among students, college and university personnel, and the general citizenry of participating countries; facilitate the exchange of information and ideas about the educational systems of the countries involved; reinforce the importance of dialogue as a preferred means for resolving international and intercultural differences; maintain and enhance the ties between the National Communication Association and forensics organizations, forensics programs, and their sponsoring academic departments throughout the United States; and provide opportunities to enhance the understanding and appreciation of the discipline of communication both in other nations and in the United States.

Nominees should be at the mid-stage level or beyond in their careers. Each member serves a four-year term serving as chair in their third year. Most of the work of this committee is done electronically throughout the year. 

The committee reviews materials and holds monthly meetings electronically from February to September for an average of 3-4 hours per month. The committee also is expected to meet at the Annual Convention in November to start planning debates for the following year. 

Nominees should be at any stage of their professional career and have a proven record of organizing formal forensic speech and debates competitions.

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about forensics and debate.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
The selection committee is comprised of four members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendation of the Leadership Development Committee is then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. 

NCA Staff Liaison: 
Director of Academic and Professional Affairs.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17. 

Doctoral Education Committee 

Two positions to serve three-year terms beginning January 2023.

The purpose of the Doctoral Education Committee is to promote the highest standards of Communication scholarship through excellence in doctoral education. The committee works in collaboration with the Research Council, Teaching and Learning Council and other Association bodies as appropriate. 

The committee convenes once a year in person during the Annual Convention. Most other work is done by electronic means throughout the year. The committee also reviews nominations and selects a winner for the Gerald R. Miller Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award. 

The selection committee reviews nomination materials for the Miller Award electronically from June to September for an average of 6-8 hours per month. The time commitment for selection committee members is dependent on the number of nominations.

Nominees should have a history of service to their department/institution. Members are selected with the intent of maintaining a committee that is representative of doctoral programs geographically, intellectually, and in other appropriate ways. 

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about Communication research.
  • Previous experience in reviewing doctoral dissertations.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
The selection committee is comprised of six members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. The chair is selected by the committee.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17.

Leathers Memorial Fund

One position to serve a three-year term starting January 2023. 

The Leathers Memorial Fund is a grant selection committee that reviews funding requests for projects to support Communication scholarship in Eastern Europe and funded by the Dale G. Leathers Memorial Fund to Promote Communication Studies in Emerging Democracies. For more information, visit www.natcom.org/LeathersFund/. 

Committee members are charged with devising general criteria for judging proposals, for selecting the designees of the fund, and for establishing any priorities for operationalizing the purposes of the Fund, intended to support communication scholarship in emerging democracies. All of the work of the Committee is done electronically. Members serve three-year terms. 

Nominees should have an interest in promoting Communication teaching and research in emerging democracies.

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about Communication scholarship.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
The selection committee is comprised of three members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. The chair is selected by the committee.

Nomination Materials: 
Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17.

NCA Legacy Scholarship 

One position to serve a two-year term starting January 2023

This award seeks to broaden the Communication discipline’s relevance to various publics. One way to broaden its relevance is by providing a scholarship to a local college student pursuing a degree in Communication, Journalism or related program within the host city/region where the annual convention is being held. 

The selection committee shall be charged with soliciting and evaluating nominations, essays, and judging the speech contest at the NCA annual convention. The Selection Committee shall also be charged with determining the specific essay and speech topic. 

The selection committee reviews nomination materials for the Legacy Scholarship electronically from June to September for an average of 2-3 hours per month. The time commitment for selection committee members is dependent on the number of nominations. Selection Committee are also expected to attend the NCA Annual Convention to serve as a judge for the speech competition. The competition has traditionally been conducted on the Saturday afternoon of the convention. 

Selection Committee members should be recognized leaders in the study of Communication and civic responsibility who are well acquainted with the broad scope of scholarship in the area. 

Nominees must be members of NCA at the time of submitting materials and possess: 

  • A willingness to collaborate with other committee members as needed.
  • The ability to think comprehensively about Communication scholarship.
  • An understanding of the vision and mission of NCA.
  • The willingness to set aside professional affiliations/friendships reviewing nomination materials. 
  • A commitment to adhere to confidentiality when required. 

Selection Process: 
The selection committee is comprised of three members. Nominations for each position are first reviewed by the NCA Leadership Development Committee. The recommendations of the Leadership Development Committee are then considered by the Legislative Assembly, which formally approves appointments. The chair is selected by the committee.

Nomination Materials: Submit all materials as described in the “Required Nomination Materials” section above by October 17.