Conversation with NCA Leadership

September 28, 2023
1-2 pm EST


Please plan to join NCA's officers for an upcoming Conversation with NCA Leadership! This series began in 2021 and is part of NCA's efforts to create more transparency and opportunities for member engagement and involvement. This Conversation will include reports from each officer and from NCA's Executive Director, a summary of the outcomes from the August 2023 Executive Committee meeting, an update related to the upcoming 2023 Convention, an overview of actions we have taken related to NCA's Strategic Plan, and a brief listing of upcoming items on the Executive Committee's agenda. Importantly, a significant portion of the hour-long event will be devoted to a Q&A period from attendees. We welcome questions, concerns, suggestions, critiques or praise from members. Past Conversations have been very well attended. Please put this on your calendar and join us for an important discussion. Your input as members is invaluable. 

To join the conversation, please RSVP [here]. We look forward to talking with NCA members about the future of our association!

RSVP is closed.