Media, Memory, and the March on Washington

July 29, 2013

How We Teach and What We Learn about the Speech that Changed America, an NCA partnership with the Newseum Institute

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Fifty years have passed since Martin Luther King, Jr., presented his famous “I Have a Dream” speech from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. Since that hot August day in 1963, Americans from all walks of life have pondered, criticized, praised, and appreciated the power of King’s words. 
This program brought together academic scholars and journalists who covered the March on Washington to provide a different perspective. 
How have we remembered King’s speech? How have the speech and March been portrayed, represented, and understood in the media, by journalists, in popular culture? How do we teach this speech and what do we learn about this oration that changed America? What does it mean to Americans and America, 50 years later?


  • Gene Policinski, Chief Operating Officer, Newseum Institute 


  • Carole Blair, Professor of Communication Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Frank Bond, journalist and Newseum producer
  • Richard Prince, journalist
  • Catherine Squires, Associate Professor of Mass Communication, University of Minnesota
  • Kirt Wilson, Associate Professor of Communication Arts and Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University
"Media, Memory, and the March on Washington" Aired on C-span's American History TV on Sunday, August 25, 2013.