The Role of Community in Community-Based Participatory Research with Dr. Barbara Israel and Angela Reyes

October 06, 2022
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM CT

Community-based participatory research (CBPR) is a partnership approach to research that equitably involves community and academic partners in all aspects of the research process (e.g., defining the research question, designing data collection, interpreting data, disseminating and translating findings, developing and evaluating interventions) aimed at enhancing equity and well-being in the communities involved. This presentation will provide an overview of the rationale for and definition of CBPR, describe the core principles of CBPR - one of which addresses the issue of what is "the community" and its role in CBPR, and explain how CBPR fits within a larger continuum of different levels of community involvement. A case example will be highlighted of a CBPR partnership that involves multiple communications strategies and how they have engaged and benefited from the active involvement of community partners.

Barbara Israel
Dr. Israel is a Professor in the Department of Health Behavior and Health Education. She received her Doctorate in Public Health and Master in Public Health degrees from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She has published widely in the areas of: the social and physical environmental determinants of health and health inequities; the relationship among stress, social support, control and physical and mental health; and community-based participatory research (CBPR). Dr. Israel has extensive experience conducting CBPR in collaboration with partners in diverse communities. Since 1995, she has worked together with academic and community partners to establish and maintain the Detroit Community-Academic Urban Research Center (Detroit URC). Dr. Israel has received the University of Michigan Excellence in Teaching Award, the University of Michigan Harold R. Johnson Diversity Service Award, and the Game Changer Designation from the Journal of Health Promotion.

Angela G. Reyes
Executive Director and Founder of Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation. Reyes started DHDC in 1997 from her living room "because [she] was tired of burying children". Reyes was born in Southwest Detroit, and continues to reside there as a community activist for over 30 years.
Reyes received her Master's in Public Health from The University of Michigan and is known for her expertise in critical policy issues that impact not only Southwest Detroit neighborhoods, but common issues facing other urban areas. Reyes has addressed international and national audiences sharing best practices in resolving community issues, including cultural awareness, youth gangs and violence, substance abuse, immigration, educational reform, community-based participatory research, policy development, and community organizing.