Wallace A. Bacon Award Selection Committee Call

September 01, 2019

One Position to serve a three-year term starting in January 2020 

The Teaching and Learning Council requests nominations for an individual to serve on the Selection Committee for the Wallace A. Bacon Lifetime Teaching Excellence Award. 

The Lifetime Teaching Excellence Award was created by the Legislative Assembly in 1991. The award was created to recognize, at a minimum, the teaching excellence of retired college and university faculty members. The Lifetime Teaching Excellence Award provides an opportunity to recognize outstanding teaching by retired NCA members from any grade level from kindergarten through graduate; NCA members who are not currently engaged in full-time teaching; and/or NCA members who have demonstrated a long-term commitment to teaching. Finally, the Lifetime Teaching Excellence Award was designed to recognize that outstanding teaching during a lifetime should be encouraged and recognized.

This Committee is comprised of representatives from K-12, 2-year, and 4-year institutions, and the immediate past award winner. Nominations from all teaching levels are welcome.
One member will be appointed for a three-year term and will serve as Committee Chair during the third year.

Qualifications: Nominees should be at the mid-career stage or beyond.

Process: Nominations for the position are first reviewed by the NCA Teaching and Learning Council. The Teaching and Learning Council’s recommendations are then considered by the NCA Executive Committee, which formally approves appointments.

Nominations for the Committee member position must include the following materials (copies will not be returned):

  • a cover letter nominating the person for the position, limited to two pages and providing a detailed rationale for why the person should be considered for the Committee and their willingness to serve a full term
  • the nominee’s vita
  • up to three letters supporting the nomination

Nominations should be sent as a Microsoft Word or PDF attachment to Shannon VanHorn, Teaching and Learning Council Chair, at shannon.vanhorn@vcsu.edu by September 1, 2019.