Indigenous Caucus

Indigenous Caucus logo


The Indigenous Caucus was created in political response to the ongoing violences of Indigenous erasure, colonialism, imperialism, and whiteness that pervade and uphold academe, and by extension, our conferences, as white settler institutions. The Caucus’s overarching goals are to mobilize political activism and advocacy in support of Indigenous autonomy, governance, and sovereign Indigenous lands, waters, and lives across the globe, as well as holding ourselves and scholarship accountable to these commitments both in and beyond the academy. As an Indigenous-centered space, the Caucus aims for leaning into the poetics of Indigenous brilliances for scholarly interventions regarding Indigenous agency, activism, political struggles, and rhetorics of Indigeneity. Research is tied to lands, waters, and skies that gift us life; Indigenous cultural, spiritual, and political systems; ancestry, lineage, and identity; decolonial gender and sexual variance; and critically reflexive relationships with the content of research. All of these elements are inextricably woven together. The Indigenous Caucus serves to 1) demand space for Indigenous voices, experiences, and knowledges where conventions are held; 2) demand space for Indigenous presence to be honored and uplifted within and beyond the academy; and 3) to labor against settler colonial expansion to (re)surge Indigenous leadership and agency despite and in spite of professional disciplinary organizations that efface Indigeneity on unquestioned settler bases.

2024 Interest Group Leadership

In accordance with Indigenous Ways of Knowing, the Indigenous Caucus will be guided by a leadership circle (Ogimaa) who will regularly consult with an elder on matters deemed of Caucus wide interest.​

Leadership Circle

  • LaRoyce Batchelor
  • Ashley Cordes, University of Oregon
  • Amira De La Garza, Arizona State University
  • Sarah Dweik, Pennsylvania State University
  • Danielle Endres, University of Utah
  • Ean Grimshaw, North Carolina Wesleyan College
  • Michael Lechuga, University of New Mexico
  • Amy May, University of Alaska Fairbanks
  • Margret McCue-Enser, St. Catherine University
  • Colby Miyose, University of Hawii, Hilo
  • Liahanna Stanley, Arizona State University 
  • Dalaki Livingston, University of Oklahoma
  • Naaman Wood


2024 NCA Positions

  • Legislative Assembly: Leadership Circle (Caucus is allotted one vote)
  • IDEA Council: Liahnna Stanley

IC Membership (2022-2024)

*Official count taken each January


Award Calls
Business Meeting Minutes
Interest Group Election