NCA Inside & Out


Mark Your Calendar for Upcoming Summer Events and Conferences

February 14, 2019
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Institute for Faculty Development | July 14-20

Granville, Ohio

The NCA Institute for Faculty Development, also known as the “Hope Conference,” is a small conference that provides undergraduate Communication faculty members opportunities to solicit feedback on scholarship, to build collaborative research and pedagogical relationships, to learn about new directions in theory and pedagogy, and to develop new course area expertise. The 2019 conference will be held July 14-20, at Denison University in Granville, Ohio. Click here for information about the seminar leaders and how to register.

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NCA Chairs’ Summer Institute | June 13-15

College Park, Maryland

A biennial event, the NCA Chairs’ Summer Institute has hosted more than 100 department chairs since 2012 for discussions regarding successful department and disciplinary leadership. The 2019 CSI, themed “Chairperson Leadership: Advocating, Mentoring, and Managing,” will be held June 13-15 at The Hotel at the University of Maryland in College Park. Click here for more information.  

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Doctoral Honors Seminar | July 21-24

Tampa, Florida

The Doctoral Honors Seminar (DHS) brings together promising doctoral students and distinguished faculty members from across the discipline and around the nation to discuss current topics in Communication. The 2019 DHS will be held July 21-24 at the University of South Florida. Click here for more information, including this year’s theme, faculty seminar leaders, and the DHS application/nomination process. Submission deadline: March 25, 2019.