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September 6, 2018

In the Media

Dawna Ballard, University of Texas at Austin, was quoted in a Quartz article about the benefits of taking off work on Wednesdays.

Barry Brummett, University of Texas, contributed an article to My Statesman about why the Thai soccer team crisis captured the world’s attention more than other stories about suffering children.

Narissra Punyanunt-Carter, Texas Tech University, was featured in a Psychology Today and a Vidlyf article for research about flirting and texting.

Jayson Dibble, Hope College, was featured in a Time article about micro-cheating.

James Dillard, Penn State, was featured in Futurity article about handling health scares.

Norah Dunbar, UC Santa Barbara, was interviewed by BYURadio about how to spot a liar.

Myra Gutin, Rider University, was quoted in a Huffington Post article about Melania Trump’s press strategy.

Jeffrey Hall, University of Kansas, was interviewed by Kansas City Live about creating lasting friendships.

Shelley Lane, UT Dallas, was interviewed by Fox4 about the increase of rudeness in public discourse.

Jennifer Mercieca, Texas A&M University, contributed an article to The Miami News-Record about public debate in the United States. 

William Rawlins, Ohio University, was quoted in a Vox article about why we lose friends in our 30s.

Michael Stefanone, University of Buffalo, was quoted in a BBC article about the differences between email and texting.

Dave Tell, University of Kansas, was quoted in a Washington Post article about the vandalization of signs marking the site where Emmitt Till’s body was removed from the Tallahatchie River.

Melissa Zimdars, Merrimack College, was featured in a Columbia Journalism Review article about “informational infidelity.”


In Transition

Shawn D. Long has been promoted to Senior Associate Dean for Academic Personnel and Budgeting, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at UNC Charlotte.


New Book

Michael Osborn, Michael Osborn on Metaphor and Style, Michigan State University Press, 2018, 978-1-61186-287-4.

Carly S. Woods, Debating Women: Gender, Education, and Spaces for Argument, 1835-1945, Michigan State University Press, 2018 9781611862959.


NCA Press Releases

National Communication Association and University of Colorado Denver Department of Communication to Present “The Art of Science Communication”
August 29, 2018 | Advisory featuring an upcoming NCA public program.

Communication Scholars Discuss Instruction Beyond the Traditional Classroom in Special Journal Issue
August 28, 2018 | Highlights the newest issue of Communication Education.

Why U.S. Universities Need Better Policies Against Workplace Bullying
July 26, 2018 | An analysis of higher ed institutions’ faculty codes of conduct, by Frances Smith and Crystal Rae Coel.

New Study: Coworkers Generally Support Breastfeeding Mothers; Workplaces Could Be More Mother-Friendly
July 23, 2018 | New research, led by Jie Zhuang, finds that employers could do more to encourage coworker support to lactating mothers.