NCA Inside & Out

Young woman with hand up

NCA Hosts Anti-Bullying Summit for Dallas Educators

January 4, 2018

On Tuesday, November 14, more than 85 Dallas Independent School District educators participated in a full-day Anti-Bullying Summit. The event was organized by the NCA Anti-Bullying Task Force as part of past President Christina S. Beck’s Presidential Initiative, and was held at Abilene Christian University.

The Summit included a keynote address by task force Co-Chair Keith Berry, three interactive modules incorporating communication concepts and techniques that are relevant to anti-bullying intervention, and a closing session that allowed for audience interaction and reflection. In addition to the keynote speaker, session presenters included Garry Bailey, Lisa Bateman, Christina S. Beck, Carol Bishop-Mills, Renee Cowan (task force Co-Chair), Katie Margavio Striley, and Stacy Tye-Williams.

Participants included assistant principals, counselors, and teachers from myriad schools throughout the district. Their varied roles and institutional affiliations enriched conversations during the day’s sessions.

Materials from the Summit are being shared with educators throughout the Dallas Independent School District, as well as on the NCA Anti-Bullying Resource Bank

A second anti-bullying outreach effort will be held in conjunction with the 2018 NCA convention in Salt Lake City.