
Mass Communication Division

Interest Group Awards

Listed here are awards given by the Interest Group to its members. Interests Groups are smaller communities within NCA's large membership that provide a range of resources including networking opportunities, Annual Convention programming, leadership opportunities, awards, and specialized information dissemination channels, among others.

Read more about this Interest Group.

Division Teaching Award

Year Award Winner
2023 Allison Eden
2022 Siobhan E. Smith-Jones
2021 Kristin L. Drogos,“In Recognition of Excellence in Teaching"
2021 Matthew Grizzard, Jialing Huang, Kaitlin Fitzgerald, Changhyun Ahn, & Haoran Chu,"Sensing Heroes and Villains: Character-Schema and the Disposition Formation Process," Communication Research"
2020 Bradley J. Bond
2019 Julius Riles
2017 Jennifer Stevens Aubrey
2015 Dana Mastro
2012 R. Lance Holbert

Division Service Award

Year Award Winner
2023 Laramie Taylor
2022 Sumana Chattopadhyay
2021 No award given
2020 Elizabeth Behm-Morawitz
2019 Stan Tickton
2017 Srivi Ramasubramanian
2015 Adam Earnheardt

Dissertation Award

Year Award Winner
2022 Tim Luisi, Ph.D., "Gender, Race, Nostalgia, and Fanship: Factors Affecting Parental Mediation of Disney Animated Films" published in MU Dissertations in 2022.
2021 No award given
2020 Teresa Gil López, "Communicating Dissent, Manufacturing Deviance: The Effects of Media Portrayals of Protest in the Social Media Era"

Top Paper Award

Year Award Winner
2021 Ellie Yang, Rachel Kornfield, Yan Liu, Ming-Yuan Chi, Prathusha Sarma, Dhavan Shah, & David Gustafson"Expression in an Online Support Forum: Machine Learning, Communication Style, and Recovery Trajectories"
  Lindsay Hahn, Melinda Raynae Aley, Alexandra Frank, Candice Lawrence, & Tahleen A. Lattimer "Heroes are Motivated by Altruism and Villains are Motivated by Egoism in Walt Disney Studio Films"
  Matthew Grizzard & Allison L. Eden"The Character Engagement and Moral Adjustment Model (CEMAM)"
  Zhuxuan Yan, Jia Liao, Katherine Dale, & Laura M. Arpan"The Effects of Awe-inspiring Nature Videos on Pro-environmental Intentions"
2020 Nicholas Matthews and James Bonus, "How audiences update character dispositions in response to moral expectancy violations"
  Kaitlin Fitzgerald, Charles Francemone, Rebecca Frazer, Kelly Merrill Jr., and Matthew Grizzard, "Specifying Emotional Flow in Media Experiences"
  Frederic Hopp, Jacob Fisher, and Jacob Fisher, "The Neurophysiology of Affective Disposition Theory"
2017 Ron Tamborini, Allison L. Eden, Sujay Prabhu, Lindsay Hahn, Clare T. Grall, Eric Novotny, and Leonard Reinecke, "Depleted enough to laugh? Effects of ego depletion on the enjoyment and recovery potential of tendentious and non-tendentious humor"
  Bruce Hardy, Chen Zeng, Hazim Hardeman, and Carolyn Rivera, "The effect of different mass shooting news frames on support for gun control before and after the Orlando Florida Pulse nightclub shooting"
  Jieun Shin, Lian Jian, Kevin Driscoll, and Francois Bar, "The diffusion of misinformation on social media: Temporal pattern, message, and source."
2016 Kelly Madden Daily, "Building upon a self-categorization explanation of the Hostile Media Effect: Examining the mediating roles of partisans' perceptions of source trust and goodwill"
  Sophie H. Janicke, Allie Taylor, and Arthur A. Raney, "Exploring Viewer Experiences with Inspiring Television Shows and Films"
  Ashley Kraus and Jessica Gall Myrick, "Feeling bad about feel-good ads: The emotional and body-image ramifications of body-positive media"
  Matthew A. Lapierre and Kirstie M. Farrar, "Learning to Love Guns: Gun Based Gameplay's Links to Gun Attitudes"
2015 Bradley J. Bond and Brandon Miller, “From screen to self: The relationship between television exposure and self-complexity among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth”
  Travis Dixon, “Good Guys Are Still Always in White? Positive Change and Continued Misrepresentation of Race and Crime on Local Television News”
  Bradley J. Bond and Brandon Miller, “From screen to self: The relationship between television exposure and self-complexity among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth”
  Riva Tukachinsky, Dana Mastro, and Moran Yarchi, “The Effect of Primetime Television Ethnic/Racial Stereotypes on Latino and Black Americans: A Longitudinal National Level Study”
  Victor Pickard, “The Strange Life and Death of the Fairness Doctrine and the Erosion of Positive Liberties in American Policy Discourse”
2013 Jennifer L. Borda, “Laughing Through Our Tears: Rhetorical Tensions in Roger & Me”
  Robert Lewis, and Natalie Mitchell, “Egoism versus Altruism in Television Content for Young Audiences”
  Elizabeth L. Cohen, Nicholas David Bowman, and Alexander Lancaster, “Are u With Some1? Using Text Message Experience Sampling to Examine the Relationship Between Co-Viewing Enjoyment, and Eudaimonia”
  Karyn Riddle, “Distinguishing cultivation theory from cultivation effects: An exploration of television, violent movies, and beliefs about real-world crime”

Top Student Paper Award

Year Award Winner
2023 Peyton John Bonine, "Whiteness as Supreme, Homosexuals as Sinful: Terri Joe’s Satirical TikTok Fantasy of Christian Womanhood"
  Keely Diebold, "Exploring the Effects of Individuals’ Perceived Prototypicality Within a Fandom"
  Jessica L. Gehrke, "#ReclaimMLK and #IHaveaDream: Remembering King’s Dream on Twitter"
  Xiaoya Fu, "Myth and Reflection: 'Authenticity' of Visual Communication and Its Regulation"
  Hyeonchang Gim, "Improving Attitudes toward Asians through a Foreign Film with Dubbing (vs. Subtitling): From the Perspective of Communication Accommodation and the Fluency Principle"
2021 Seo Yoon Lee & Youngji Seo,"When Good People Make Fake News Go Viral: The Role of Anger in Fake News Sharing on Social Media"
  Max Erdemandi & Jonathan Leach,"'Masks Don’t Work': Political Ideology Associations and the Geospatial Propagation of COVID-19 Disinformation on Twitter"
  Eunjoo Choi,"Parents’ Mental State Communication and Children’s Consumer Behavior in the United States"
  Michael Coker & Riley Richards,"Exploring the Relationships Between GPS-Based Hookup Applications for Men Who Have Sex with Men and Endorsement of Traditional Masculine Roles"
2020 Courtlyn Pippert, “'This isn’t Historically Accurate': Drunk History, the Carnivalesque, and the Function of Documentary Reenactment"
  Hannah Stevens and Irena Acic, "Examining Rape Culture in Online Forums: The Effect of Editorial Slant on Discourse Incivility"
  Jesse King and Leah Fretwell, "Asian American Cultural Identity Portrayal on Instagram"
2017 Stacey Overholt, "Health becomes you: (Re)presenting data collectoin via health surveillance technologies in the era of big data"
  Adam J. Mason, Haley Palmer, and Jacqueline Backer, "Voices from the echo chamber: A qualitative study of Facebook users' interactions with political news information"
  Deya Roy, "#80yearsinthemaking: A theoretical review of uses and gratifications"
  Paulina Lainez, Jennifer Oliva, Melissa Flores, Nancy Meza Gil, "Spelled out in black and white: Media Framing"
2016 Ashton Speno, "Adolescent Sexting: An Examination of the Role of Online Disinhibition and Psychosocial Development in the Creation and Sharing of Sexual Images"
  Mike Alvarez, "Audience Reception of Shock Content Online, and Shock Site Users as an Imagined Community: The Case of"
  Mona Malacane, "Sexy and they know it: Messages about physical appearance and reinforcement in adolescent TV programs"
  Azmat Rasul and Mujahid Mansoori, "The revolution has been networked: Facebook politics and young female adults"
2015 Daphna Yeshua-Katz, “Communicating Stigma and Social Support: A Comparative Content Analysis of Online Communities”
  Teresa Lynch, Jessica E. Tompkins, Irene van Driel, and Niki Fritz, “Sexy, Strong, and Secondary: An Analysis of the Portrayal of Female Video Games Characteristics from 1983 to 2014”
  Rachel Hahn, “The Tween Disney Diet”
  Ashley Kraus, Nancy Tyree, and Matthew Blaszka, “Winning Bodies: A Content Analysis of Body Imagery within Competitive Reality Programs”
2013 Ellen Defossez, “Putting your best brain forward: Commercial brain imaging and the semiotics of improvement”
  Marko Dragojevic, “Accent Representation in the Media: Information Processing and Effects”
  Hojin Song, “The Right Way to Eat: Practical Governmentality through Semi-Homemade Cooking with Sandra Lee”
  Susannah Cobb McMonagle, “The Sportiest Catwalk on Earth: How Sport and Fashion Collide on the Olympic Stage”
1991 Wenji Yan and Thomas L. Jacobson
  Norma M. Schulman
  Thomas S. Frentz and Janet Rushing
  Elizabeth Perse and John A. Courtright
  Renee S. Klingle and Mark E. Adkins
  William C. Donaghy