
Public Address Division

Interest Group Awards

Listed here are awards given by the Interest Group to its members. Interests Groups are smaller communities within NCA's large membership that provide a range of resources including networking opportunities, Annual Convention programming, leadership opportunities, awards, and specialized information dissemination channels, among others.

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Marie Hochmuth Nichols Award

Year Award Winner
2022 Christa Olson, American Magnitude: Hemispheric Vision and Public Feeling in the United States, published by The Ohio State Press in 2021. 
2021 Lisa A. Flores, Deportable and Disposable: Public Rhetoric and the Making of the “Illegal” Immigrant, (State College, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2020)
2020 Stacy Sowards, ¡Sí, ella puede! The rhetorical legacy of Dolores Huerta and the United Farm Workers. (Austin, TX: The University of Texas Press, 2019).
2020 Bjørn F. Stillion Southard, Peculiar Rhetoric: Slavery, Freedom, and the African Colonization Movement (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2019).
2018 Leslie A. Hahner, To Become an American: Immigrats and Americanization Campaigns of the Early Twentieth Century, (Michigan State UP)
2017 Robert Hariman and John Louis Lucaites, The Public Image: Photography and Civic Spectatorship (University of Chicago Press)
2016 Robert E. Terrill, Double-Consciousness and the Rhetoric of Barack Obama: The Price and Promise of Citizenship (University of South Carolina Press, 2015)
2015 Shawn J. Parry-Giles, Hillary Clinton in the News: Gender and Authenticity in American Politics (University of Illinois Press).
2014 Leah Ceccarelli, On the Frontier of Science: An American Rhetoric of Exploration and Exploitation (Michigan State University Press).
2013 Dave Tell, Confessional Crises and Cultural Politics in Twentieth-Century America (Pennsylvania State University Press).
2012 Belinda Stillion Southard, Militant Citizenship: Rhetorical Strategies of the National Woman’s Party, 1913-1920 (Texas A&M University Press).
2011 Lisa Keränen, Scientific Characters: Rhetoric, Politics, and Trust in Breast Cancer Research (University of Alabama Press).
2010 Robert Asen, Invoking the Invisible Hand: Social Security and the Privatization Debates (Michigan State University Press).
2009 Mary E. Stuckey, Jimmy Carter, Human Rights, and the National Agenda (Texas A&M University Press).
2008 Leroy G. Dorsey, We Are All Americans, Pure and Simple: Theodore Roosevelt and the Myth of Americanism (University of Alabama Press).
2007 Trevor Parry-Giles, The Character of Justice: Rhetoric, Law, & Politics in the Supreme Court Confirmation Process (Michigan State University Press).
2006 Angela G. Ray, The Lyceum and Public Culture in the Nineteenth Century United States (Michigan State University Press).
2005 Lester C. Olson, Benjamin Franklin’s Vision of American Community: A Study of Rhetorical Iconology (University of South Carolina Press).
2004 Susan Zaeske, Signatures of Citizenship: Petitioning, Antislavery, and Women’s Political Identity (University of North Carolina Press).
2003 Kirt H. Wilson, The Reconstruction Desegregation Debate: The Policies of Equality and the Rhetoric of Place, 1870-1875 (Michigan State University Press).
2002 Davis W. Houck, Rhetoric as Currency: Hoover, Roosevelt, and the Great Depression (Texas A&M University Press).
2001 Michael J. Hyde, The Call to Conscience: Heidegger and Levinas, Rhetoric and the Euthanasia Debate (University of South Carolina Press).
2000 Gerard Hauser, Vernacular Voices: The Rhetoric of Publics and Public Spheres (University of South Carolina Press).
1999 Thomas Rosteck, ed., At the Intersection: Cultural Studies and Rhetorical Studies (Guilford Press).
1998 James Darsey, The Prophetic Tradition and Radical Rhetoric in America (NYU Press).
1997 Martin J. Medhurst, ed., Beyond the Rhetorical Presidency (Texas A&M University Press).
1996 Robert Hariman, Political Style: The Artistry of Power (University of Chicago Press).
1995 Martin J. Medhurst, ed., Eisenhower’s War of Words: Rhetoric & Leadership (Michigan State University Press).
1994 Celeste Michelle Condit & John Louis Lucaites, Crafting Equality: America’s Anglo-African Word (University of Chicago Press).
1993 James Jasinski, “The Feminization of Liberty, Domesticated Virtue, and the Reconstitution of Power and Authority in Early American Political Discourse,” Quarterly Journal of Speech 79, 146-164.

Wrage-Baskerville Top Paper Award

Year Award Winner
2023 Jeffrey Nagel and Scott Varda, “Deliberative Possibilities and Epideictic Dimensions of Quotidian Public Address: Reading the Comment Sections with Michael Sam.”
2022 Leslie Harris, "Sex Trafficking as Transnational Flow: Protecting White Womanhood as a Rhetoric of Containment"
2021 Elizabeth Gardner & Rebeca Garcia Hernandez, "Child Workers Asserting a Bolivian Childhood in the Debate over the Código Niña, Niño y Adolescente."
2021 Luke Winslow & Rebecca Lanier, "Thinning the Heard: COVID-19, Immunity, and the Rhetoric of Trumpian Catastrophe."
2020 Timothy Barney, "End of History/End of Geography: Time, Space, and the Meaning of 1989 in President George H.W. Bush's Post-Cold War Foreign Policy Rhetoric" 
2020 Matthew Houdek, "Recontextualizing Responsibility for Justice: The Lynching Trope, Racialized Temporalities, and Confronting Structural Violence"
2020 Anita Mixon, "Irene McCoy Gaines as Ruth Hannah McCormick's Rhetorical Black 'Voice'"
2018 Jansen B. Werner & Leslie J. Harris, "Recognition, Shame, and Racial Justice: Black American Appeals for Inclusion at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition."
2017 Emily Kofoed, "Crafting Rhetorica Precedent: Citizenship Controversy in the Matter of Toboso-Alfonso."
2016 Kelly Jakes, “Songs of Sovereignty: Folksinging and Hegemonic Masculinity in Liberation France.”
2015 Maegan Parker Brooks, “Embracing the Interruptive Voice: Rhetoric, Race, and Public School Deliberation.”
2014 Brian Ott, Hamilton Bean, and Kellie Marin, “Securitization in the Era of Control Society: Modulating Mood and Message at The CELL.”
2013 Tiffany Lewis, “Earning Rights and Enacting Freedom: Washington Woman Suffragists’ Appropriation of Mountaineering and Wilderness Discourses.”
2012 Josue David Cisneros, “Citizenship beyond Borders? Rhetorics of Hybridity and Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary Immigrant Protests.”
2011 Timothy Barney, “‘Gulag-Slavery, Inc.’: The Power of Place and the Rhetorical Life of a Cold War Map.”
2010 Ronald J. Zboray & Mary Zboray, “I Have Said My Say: Ordinary Women and Partisan Speech Making in the Antebellum Era.”
2009 Tammy Vigil, “FDR’s 1932 Commonwealth Club Address: Building Ethos by Offering Stability through Change.”
2008 Eric S. Jenkins, “The Towers of Babble and the Passage of the USA Patriot Act.”
2007 Robin E. Jensen, “‘For while my mother knows a lot, she won’t tell me a thing’: Ella Flagg Young’s Fragmented Rhetoric in Support of the Chicago Experiment.”
2006 Lisa Keranen, Lisa Irvin, Jason Lesko, & Alison E. Vogelaar, “‘Myth, Mask, Sword, and Shield’: Dr. John H. Marburger III’s Rhetoric of Neutral Science for the Nation.”
2005 Mary Carver, “The Power of the Prophet Persona for Abolitionist Feminist Lucy Stone.”
2004 Jason Edward Black, “Constituting the ‘Allotment Indian’: The Role of Paternal Rhetoric in America’s Dawes Act Era.”
2003 John M. Murphy, “The Language of Liberal Consensus: John F. Kennedy, Technocratic Reason, and the ‘New Economics’ at Yale University.”
2002 David C. Deifell, “Performing The Idea of University: The Occasion, the Crisis and the Student.”
2001 Trevor Parry-Giles & Shawn J. Parry-Giles,”Constructing Presidentiality: The West Wing and the Ideological Definition of Presidential Leadership.”
1999 Andrew C. Hansen, “A Gentleman’s History of Geology: The Fall and Rise of Rhetoric in Charles Lyell’s Principles of Geology.”
1998 Shawn J. Parry-Giles & Trevor Parry-Giles, “Meta-Imaging and the Hyperreality of American Politics: The War Room and the 1992 Clinton Campaign.”
1997 Mark Allan Steiner, “Maladroitness in the Culture Wars: Portraits of the Public in the Internal Rhetoric of Operation Rescue.”
1995 John M. Murphy, “Inventing Authority: Bill Clinton, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Performance of Rhetorical Culture.”
1994 Lisa Bates-Froiland & James L. Cherney, “The Rhetorical Function of ‘Nature’ in Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s ‘Solitude of Self.’”
1993 Gage W. Chapel, “Synthesizing the American Dream: The Political Rhetoric of Jack Kemp.”
1991 Thomas Lessl, “Francis Bacon and the Biblical Origins of the Scientific Ethos.
1986 Thomas Lessl, “Heresy, Orthodoxy, and the Politics of Science.”

Robert Gunderson Top Student Paper Award

Year Award Winner
2023 Katherine Kountz, “Democratic Education and the Cultural Politics of the Unschooling Movement.”
2022 Lauren Seitz, "Constituting the People in a Pandemic: The Anti-Health Pass Rhetoric of France's National Rally"
2021 Joshua Smith, "Transforming Land, or, what Bears Ears National Monument Teaches Us about Rhetoric and Colonialism."
2020 Brittany Knutson, "Legal Matters in Christine Blasey Ford's Testimony: Toward a Feminist New Materialist of Deixis"
2020 Gabriela Tscholl, "'We Are Going to Define Our Freedom': Dissociative Definition in Bobby Seale's April 16, 1968 Speech Delivered at the Kaleidoscope Theater"
2020 Yishan Wang, "The Eulogistic Circulation of Ideal Gendered Citizenship at the Crossroads of the Past and Present: Rearticulating 'Her' as a 'Hero' of a Nation"
2018 Jonathan M. Smith, "King, Du Bois, and Attitudes Toward Change."
2017 Daniel Devinney, "Obama's Constructed Audiences: A Constitutive Analysis of the 2004 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address and the 2008 Obama Coalition."
2016 Lauren Harris, “More Beef, Less Bull: The Intersection of Agrarian and Expediency Ideologies in Recent Congressional Campaigns.”
2015 Paul McKean, “Constituting an Economy of Heroes: The Rehabilitation of an Economic Idiom in Ronald Reagan’s 1981 Economic Recovery Campaign.”
2014 Courtney Travers, “The Presence of Aesthetic Pasts: The Rhetorical Invention of Jacqueline Kennedy in Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue.”
2013 Allison M. Prasch, “Reagan at Pointe du Hoc: Deictic Epideictic and the Persuasive Power of ‘Bringing Before the Eyes.’”
2012 Paul Henrickson, “‘This Experiment upon the Theory of Human Rights’: America’s Founding as a Human Rights Republic.”
2011 Adam Gaffey, “The Rhetoric of Visualizing Washington’s Union: Commemoration, Flags, and the ‘Farewell Address,’ 22 February 1862.”
2010 Sean Luechtefeld, “A Petition in Boots: Jacob Coxey’s Constitution of Citizenship in 1894.”
2009 Kashif Powell, “E Pluribus Unum: Barack Obama’s Use of Constitutive Rhetoric.”
2008 Eric S. Jenkins, “The Towers of Babble and the Passage of the USA Patriot Act.”
2007 Josue David Cisneros, “Bilingual in Name Only”: Dissociation, Conspiracy Rhetoric, and the Campaign for California Proposition 227.″
2006 Dru Anthony Williams, “Staying Committed to the Mission: Epideictic Argument and George W. Bush’s Performance in the 2004 Presidential Debates.”
2005 Melissa Barnett Cocian, “Using Functional Theory in Social Movement Rhetoric: A Thematic, Ideological, and Feminist Analysis of Women’s Suffrage Speeches.”
2004 Michael Lee, “George W. Bush and the Iraq Question: Analyzing a Moral Realist Perspective.”
2003 David Dzikowski, “Locating Herbert Hoover’s Inaugural Address: Kairos and Genre in the Rhetorical Presidency.”
2002 Heather Norton, “The Clinton Administration’s Depiction of the Modern Militia Movement Through a Rhetoric of Crisis.”
2001 B. Wayne Howell, “Samuel Seabury’s Response to the First Continental Congress: Anomic Imagery in Appeals for Loyalty to Great Britain.”
2000 Steven E. Martin, “Anti-Conspiracy and Anti-Propaganda Rhetoric in ‘Joe Worker and the Story of Labor’: The Use of the Comic Book Form.”
1999 Christina R. Foust, “Gender Myths and the Media Coverage of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s Involvement with Health Care: What is Woman’s Proper Place?”
1998 A. Michele Mason, “Close Reading and the Text/Context Dilemma: A Subversive Account of the 1935 Harlem Riot.”
1995 Rebecca M. Townsend, “McCarthyism’s Rhetorical Norms.”
1994 Susan M. Zaeske,”The Promiscuous Audience: A Barrier to Early Woman Speakers.”
1993 Jean Goodwin, “The Appeal to Posterity.”

Benson Campbell Dissertation Prospectus Research Award

Year Award Winner
2023 Morgan DiCesare, "Archival Care: 1970s Transfeminist Pasts and Futures"
2023 Andrew Parayil Boge, “Brown Peril: Rhetorics of South  Asian American Racialization, 1900-1939”.
2022 Kristen Einertson, "Self-Determination for the Baltics: The Joint Baltic American National Committee's Foreign Policy Rhetorics of the Late Cold War Period"
2022 Lionnell "Badu" Smith, "Too Tired to Codeswitch: Analyzing the Prophetic Rhetoric of Critical Black Language Awareness"
2021 Corinne Mitsuye Sugino"Familiar Foreigners: Multicultural Rhetorics of Asian American Racialization"
2021 Natonya Listach"'Lifting as We Climb': A Rhetorical Analysis of the Speeches of Hallie Quinn Brown"
2020 Ashley Garcia, "(Re)Scripting the Black-Activist-Athlete: Remembering the Racialized Politics of Sport in the NFL’s Protests During the National Anthem"
2018 Lindsay Harroff, "Reimagining the National Community through Truth and Reconciliation: A Rhetorical Analysis of Truth Commissions in South Africa, Kenya, and the U.S."
2017 Katie Lind, "The Unbearable Loss of Beings: Curating, Documenting, and Resisting Anthropogenic Extinction"
2016 Katie Irwin, "'Freeing Our Latent Power': Rural Women and Emergent Rhetorical Agency, 1920-1929"
2015 Michael J. Steudeman
2014 Elizabeth Gardner, "'Too Bad to be Told Their Mothers': Scientific Objectivity and Morality in the Progressive Era Night Messenger Service Reform Campaign" 
2013 Kelly Jakes
2012 Erik Johnson

Outstanding Article Award

Year Award Winner
2022 Dean Mundy, "From Relationship Management to Change Empowerment: Shifting Public Relations Theory to Prioritize Publics. Journal of Public Relations Research, 33(6), 504-525.

Outstanding Manuscript Award

Year Award Winner
2022 Maria Isabel Espinoza & Melissa Aronczyk, A Strategic Nature: Public Relations and the Politics of American Environmentalism, published by Oxford University Press in 2021. 

Outstanding Educator Award

Year Award Winner
2022 Timothy Coombs