
1986 NCA Award Winners

NCA Award Winners by Year

Scholarship Awards

Charles H. Woolbert Research Award

  • Daniel O’Keefe, “Logical Empiricism & The Study of Human Communication.” Speech Monographs 42 (1975): 169-183.

Franklyn S. Haiman Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Freedom of Expression

  • Matthew Seeger, “Freedom of Speech and Institutional Restraint,” Free Speech Yearbook 25 (1986): 11-20.

Gerald R. Miller Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Awards

  • George Cheney, Purdue University. “Speaking of Who ‘We’ Are: The Development of the U. S. Catholic Bishops’ Pastoral Letter ‘The Challenge of Peace’ as a Case Study in Identity, Organization, and Rhetoric,” (Phillip K. Tompkins, advisor).
  • James Jasinski, Northwestern University. “Rhetorical Practice and Its Visions of the Public in the Ratification Debate of 1787-1788,” (Thomas B. Farrell, advisor). 
  • Della Pollock, Northwestern University. “Brecht and Expressionism: An Assessment of Rhetorical Continuity,” (Frank Galati, advisor).

Golden Anniversary Book Award

  • Joshua Meyrowitz, No Sense of Place: The Impact of Electronic Media on Social Behavior (Oxford University Press, 1985).

James A. Winans-Herbert A. Wichelns Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Rhetoric and Public Address

  • J. Michael Hogan, The Panama Canal in American Politics: Domestic Advocacy and the Evolution of Policy (Southern Illinois University Press, 1986).
  • David Zarefsky, President Johnson’s War on Poverty: Rhetoric and History (University of Alabama Press, 1986).

Karl R. Wallace Memorial Award

  • Lester Olson


Service Awards

Robert J. Kibler Memorial Award

  • Larry L. Barker

Samuel L. Becker Distinguished Service Award

  • Wayne Brockriede