
1996 NCA Award Winners

NCA Award Winners by Year

Teaching Awards

Donald H. Ecroyd Award for Outstanding Teaching in Higher Education

  • Lyndrey A. Niles, Howard University

Marcella E. Oberle Award for Outstanding Teaching in Grades K-12

  • Morris E. Snively

Michael and Suzanne Osborn Community College Outstanding Educator Award

  • Deborah Hefferin, Broward College

Wallace A. Bacon Lifetime Teaching Excellence Award

  • Joan E. Leininger


Scholarship Awards

Charles H. Woolbert Research Award

  • Malcolm R. Parks, “Ideology in Interpersonal Communication: Off the Couch and Into the World.” Communication Yearbook 5 (1982): 79-107.

Diamond Anniversary Book Award

  • Paul Messaris, Visual “Literacy”: Image, Mind and Reality. (Westview Press, 1994).

Douglas W. Ehninger Distinguished Rhetorical Scholar Award

  • No Award Given

Franklyn S. Haiman Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Freedom of Expression

  • Susan Drucker and Gary Gumpert, “Freedom and Liability in Cyberspace: Media Metaphors, and Paths of Regulation,” Free Speech Yearbook 33 (1995): 49-64.

Gerald M. Phillips Award for Distinguished Applied Communication Scholarship

  • Donald P. Cushman

Gerald R. Miller Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Awards

  • Leah N. Ceccarelli, Northwestern University. “A Rhetoric of Interdisciplinary Inspirational Discourse: The Use of Polysemy in Dobzhansky’s ‘Genetics and the Origin of Species’ and Schroedinger’s ‘What Is Life?’,” (Michael Leff, advisor).

James A. Winans-Herbert A. Wichelns Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Rhetoric and Public Address

  • Robert Hariman, Political Style: The Artistry of Power (University of Chicago Press, 1995).

Karl R. Wallace Memorial Award

  • Mark L. McPhail

Leslie Irene Coger Award for Distinguished Performance

  • Annette Martin

Lilla A. Heston Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Interpretation and Performance Studies

  • Mary Frances HopKins


Service Awards

Robert J. Kibler Memorial Award

  • Jody Nyquist

Samuel L. Becker Distinguished Service Award

  • John Waite Bowers