
2013 NCA Award Winners

NCA Award Winners by Year

Teaching Awards

Donald H. Ecroyd Award for Outstanding Teaching in Higher Education

  • Steve McCornack, Michigan State University

Marcella E. Oberle Award for Outstanding Teaching in Grades K-12

  • Matt Davis

Michael and Suzanne Osborn Community College Outstanding Educator Award

  • Penny Joyner Waddell, Gwinnett Technical College

Wallace A. Bacon Lifetime Teaching Excellence Award

  • James C. McCroskey


Scholarship Awards

Bernard J. Brommel Award for Outstanding Scholarship or Distinguished Service in Family Communication

  • Alan Sillars, University of Montana

Charles H. Woolbert Research Award

  • Ronald Greene, "Another Materialist Rhetoric." Critical Studies in Mass Communication 15 (1998): 21-40.

Diamond Anniversary Book Award

  • Paul M. Leonardi, Car Crashes without Cars: Lessons about Simulation Technology and Organizational Change from Automotive Design (The MIT Press, 2012).

Donald P. Cushman Memorial Award

  • Hillary Palmer, University of Georgia, "Mexico's Drug War Feminized: The New York Times and Visual Narratives of Dichotomized Women"

Douglas W. Ehninger Distinguished Rhetorical Scholar Award

  • James Klumpp

Franklyn S. Haiman Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Freedom of Expression

  • Pat Arneson & David R. Dewberry, "Mapping Free Speech Scholarship in the Communication Discipline: 1969-2006," Free Speech Yearbook, 43 (2006-2009): 199-228

Gerald M. Phillips Award for Distinguished Applied Communication Scholarship

  • No award given

Gerald R. Miller Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Awards

  • Kendra Knight, Arizona State University. "The Influence of Response Threshold and Perceptions of Domestic Labor Conflict on Labor Allocation and Conflict Patterns in Marital Dyads," (Jess Alberts, advisor).
  • Timothy Barney, University of Maryland. "(Re)placing America: Cold War Mapping and the Mediation of International Space," (Trevor Parry-Giles, advisor).
  • Amy Way, Arizona State University. "Apprentices and Worker Bees: Discursive Constructions of Youth's Work Identity," (Angela Tretheway, advisor).

James A. Winans-Herbert A. Wichelns Memorial Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Rhetoric and Public Address

  • Gerard A. Hauser, Prisoners of Conscience: Moral Vernaculars of Political Agency (University of South Carolina Press, 2012).

James L. Golden Outstanding Student Essay in Rhetoric Award

  • Hillary Palmer, University of Georgia

Karl R. Wallace Memorial Award

  • Karma R. Chávez

Leslie Irene Coger Award for Distinguished Performance

  • D. Soyini Madison
  • John D. Anderson

Lilla A. Heston Award for Outstanding Scholarship in Interpretation and Performance Studies

  • Dustin Bradley Goltz

Mark L. Knapp Award in Interpersonal Communication

  • Sandra Petronio

Stephen E. Lucas Debut Publication Award

  • Emily Dianne Cram, "'Angie was our Sister:' Witnessing the Trans-Formation of Disgust in the Citizenry of Photography," Quarterly Journal of Speech 98 (2012): 411-438.


Service Awards

Robert J. Kibler Memorial Award

  • No award given

Samuel L. Becker Distinguished Service Award

  • No award given