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Free Speech Week Advisory National Communication Association Reaffirms Credos and Releases Publication Featuring Free Speech

November 2, 2016
Association News
Free Speech, NCA News

Washington, DC  -  Although freedom of speech has been a  Constitutional right since our country’s founding, Americans today continually face challenges for expressing their beliefs through various forms of communication, whether in art, conversation, on social media, or in politics. Legal and Communication scholars perpetually debate how we define and interpret free speech relative to the books we read and the television programs we watch, what we say to or about our neighbors, what we proclaim as moral or unjust, and how we display patriotism and protest.

On the occasion of Free Speech Week (October 17-23), the National Communication Association (NCA) calls upon its membership of thousands of Communication scholars and teachers to help their students and the larger citizenry make sense of the pressing issues of the day through open debate, dialogue, and discussion. NCA’s free speech-related principles are articulated in its three ethical credos that support free and responsible communication in a democratic society; free and responsible use of electronic communication networks; and ethical communication that endorses diversity of perspective, tolerance of dissent, and condemnation of violence and hatred.   

Examples of recent research and publications by Communication scholars on free speech issues can be found in the October issue of NCA’s online research digest, Communication Currents. The issue covers such topics as a case on student speech that went to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, community response to the Westboro Baptist Church’s hate speech, the boundaries of free speech on social media, and the relationship between violence and free speech.

NCA reaffirms its commitment to the teaching, research, and other professional activities that fuel best communication practices and that support ongoing interpretations of free speech, whether legal, historic, artistic, or political.

About the National Communication Association

The National Communication Association (NCA) advances Communication as the discipline that studies all forms, modes, media, and consequences of communication through humanistic, social scientific, and aesthetic inquiry. NCA serves the scholars, teachers, and practitioners who are its members by enabling and supporting their professional interests in research and teaching. Dedicated to fostering and promoting free and ethical communication, NCA promotes the widespread appreciation of the importance of communication in public and private life, the application of competent communication to improve the quality of human life and relationships, and the use of knowledge about communication to solve human problems. NCA supports inclusiveness and diversity among our faculties, within our membership, in the workplace, and in the classroom; NCA supports and promotes policies that fairly encourage this diversity and inclusion.

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