Lynn M. Disbrow Advisor of the Year

Purpose of the Award

This award, named in honor of Lynn M. Disbrow, recognizes the faculty advisor that, like Dr. Disbrow, has dedicated his/her time, energy, and service to the student members of their Sigma Chi Eta chapter. Dr. Disbrow played a key role in the advancement of Sigma Chi Eta as a national honorary for two year Communication students.

Goals of Lambda Pi Eta

1. Recognize, foster, and reward outstanding scholastic achievement
2. Stimulate interest in the field of Communication
3. Promote and encourage professional development among Communication majors
4. Provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas about the field
5. Establish and maintain close relationships and understanding between faculty and students
6. Explore options for further undergraduate/graduate studies

The advisor that has best provided guidance and has manifested the goals of Sigma Chi Eta will be bestowed the honor of Advisor of the Year. The advisor honored with this distinction in turn serves as an example to the other advisors throughout the United States.

Award Administration

All submissions for the Advisor of the Year Award will be collected and distributed by the National Coordinator. The nominations shall be reviewed by the members of the Faculty Advisory Board and the National Officers of Sigma Chi Eta. The National Coordinator of Sigma Chi Eta will serve as a tie-breaking vote if necessary.

Selection Procedure

1. Self-nominations and nominations by others are accepted.
2. The nominations shall be submitted on the Advisor of the Year Form, available online below or via PDF.
3. Nominations are to be submitted to NCA by May 15th.
4. Nominations will be forwarded to the Faculty Advisory Board members for consideration.

Granting of the Award

1. The award winner(s) will be notified preceding the NCA Annual Convention.
2. The award, in the form of a plaque, will be presented at the Sigma Chi Eta awards ceremony at the NCA Annual Convention and announced in COMMunity.