NCA Inside & Out

2018 Calendar

Upcoming Conferences, Events, Advocacy Days

March 8, 2018



DHS Artwork

NCA Institute for Faculty Development

Registration is now open for the NCA Institute for Faculty Development, also known as the “Hope Conference.” This year’s conference will be held July 22-28 at Denison University in Granville, Ohio. Learn more about the faculty seminars and register here.

DHS Artwork

Doctoral Honors Seminar

The NCA Doctoral Honors Seminar (DHS) brings together promising doctoral students and distinguished faculty members from across the discipline and around the nation to discuss current topics in Communication. The theme of the 2018 DHS is “Communicating Intersections.” The seminar will be held July 23-26, 2018, at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. Faculty leaders will include Walid Afifi (University of California-Santa Barbara), Jiyeon Kang (University of Iowa), Claire Sisco King (Vanderbilt), Roopali Mukherjee (Queens College), Cindy Koenig Richards (Willamette University), Paul Stob (Vanderbilt), Dave Tell (University of Kansas), and others. Approximately 30 doctoral students will be selected to participate based on submitted papers and recommendations. Application and nomination materials are due April 15, 2018. Learn more here. Please contact NCA Executive Director Trevor Parry-Giles with questions.

NHA Logo

Advocacy Days

Join colleagues from across the country to discuss emerging humanities and social science issues in Washington, DC, with the National Humanities Alliance (March 11-13) and the Consortium of Social Science Associations (April 30-May1). Learn more here.