Member News and Notes
In the media
In a EurekAlert! article, Emma Frances Bloomfield, University of Nevada Las Vegas, weighs in on what is driving climate change skepticism.
In an op-ed for The Hill, Richard Cherwitz of The University of Texas at Austin shares his thoughts on how Democratic candidates vying for the 2020 presidential nomination might display unity in the party instead of accelerating a negative political environment. Cherwitz also shares his views on the rhetoric surrounding the recent intense and emotionally charged abortion arguments in an op-ed for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Finally, in an opinion piece for MySanAntonio, Cherwitz writes about the White House’s increasingly inflammatory rhetoric aimed at Iran.
John Daly of The University of Texas at Austin provides advice on how to handle annoying or awkward workplace situations in an article appearing in Real Simple.
In a CNN article, David Ewoldsen, Michigan State University, comments on the Netflix miniseries, "When They See Us."
Jesse Fox, The Ohio State University, discusses workplace toxicity and the personality traits of leaders in a MarketWatch article.
In a Quartz article, Katherine Haenschen, Virginia Tech, comments on Google and political campaign advertisements.
In a Time magazine article, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, University of Pennsylvania, says flubs during debates become important because they are repeated so frequently afterward.
Leanne K. Knobloch, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Steven R. Wilson, University of South Florida, share their thoughts on reasons social science is important in a Why Social Science? blog article.
In a Fox5 Atlanta article, Jennifer R. Mercieca, Texas A&M University, analyzes President Trump's reelection campaign announcement speech, reviewing patterns and details that draw his followers in.
Brian L. Ott, Texas Tech University, examines President Trump’s campaign style rhetoric in an op-ed for The Hill. And, Ott discusses President Trump’s frequent putdowns and attacks on others on Twitter in a Newsweek opinion piece.
Laura Stafford, Bowling Green State University, comments on technology's impact on long-distance relationships in an article in The Atlantic.
In an article appearing in the Statesman, Mary Stuckey, Penn State, predicted that not a lot of people would watch the Democratic primary debates.
In an article in The Conversation, Dave Tell, The University of Kansas, writes about how poverty is reshaping the story of Emmett Till’s murder in Glendora, Mississippi.
Joseph B. Walther, UC Santa Barbara, explores the reasons why people still use Facebook in an article in The Conversation.
In an article appearing in USA Today, Ben Warner, University of Missouri, comments on the importance of the initial impression a candidate makes in a presidential debate.
New books
M. Lane Bruner, Rhetorical Unconsciousness and Political Psychoanalysis, The University of South Carolina Press, 2019, 978-1-61117-983-5 (cloth) 978-1-6117-984-2 (ebook).
Matt Guardino, Framing Inequality: News Media, Public Opinion, and the Neoliberal Turn in U.S. Public Policy, Oxford University Press, 2019, 9780190888190.
In transition
Erin Ash has been granted tenure and promoted to Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at Clemson University.
Joseph P. Mazer has been promoted to Full Professor in the Department of Communication at Clemson University.