NCA and Shenzhen University of China Hold Forum on “Communication Innovation, New Media, and Digital Journalism”

Numerous NCA members participated in “Communication Innovation, New Media, and Digital Journalism,” a conference held June 27–29, 2019 in Shenzhen, China and in Hong Kong. Co-hosted by NCA and the Shenzhen University of China, the conference brought together Communication scholars and media practitioners to engage in conversations about cutting-edge communication-based issues.

The conference explored communication in three tracks: “Experiments in Communication Innovation,” led by Rolien Susanne Hoyng (Chinese University of Hong Kong) and Chen Changfeng (Tsinghua University); “Intersections in New Media and Health Communication,” led by Amy Hasinoff (Colorado University Denver) and Yuqiong Zhao (Shenzhen University of China); and “The Digital Journalism Challenge,” led by Qingwen Dong (University of the Pacific) and Xiaojin Gu (Shenzhen University of China). 

In addition to conference presentations and workshops, participants engaged in a pre-conference workshop on international communication and visited one of the world’s largest social media companies, TenCent.

2019 Shenzhen Participants