NCA Poster Session Submission Form

Miss presenting your poster at a cancelled conference? Defend your thesis or dissertation on an online conference call? Submit your poster and short video to NCA's Poster Session Series.

NCA is developing a repository of poster session presentations. These presentations will be in the form of short videos where presenters explain their posters or briefly present findings from their thesis/dissertation. These 10-12 minute videos will be linked to NCA's YouTube channel and available to the public.

If you are interested in submitting a short video for this collection, please follow the guidelines below:

1. Create a brief 10-12 minute video of a poster presentation

  • Can be a poster created for a cancelled conference
  • Can be a poster that highlights thesis/dissertation work
  • Presentation must also explain the poster
  • Presentation may be of either an actual printed poster, or of the poster on a PowerPoint slide.

2. Include an introduction from the presenter

3. Record the presentation in a format that is suitable for YouTube

4. If possible, try to record any speaking parts that show the presenter against a solid wall, as to avoid any distractions by patterns.

5. Upload your presentation to YouTube. Please set the video to public.

6. Complete the NCA Poster Session Submission Form below.

Please reach out to LaKesha Anderson, NCA's Director of Academic and Professional Affairs, with any questions at