Communication Assessment Division

Communication Assessment Division logo

The Communication Assessment Division (CAD) provides resources to members in the vital area of assessment. The term “assessment” has multiple meanings, but whatever its definition, assessment impacts every communication department though state assessment requirements, program review, or regional accreditation requirements. CAD coordinates the development and dissemination of assessment materials. These include print and online resources in areas of learning objective development, development of site-specific assessment tools, standardized assessment instruments, program review support, and materials for accreditation review. In addition, CAD offers convention programs devoted to these issues. NCA members who are interested in assessment are encouraged to become involved in CAD.

Visit the division's Facebook page

2024 Interest Group Leadership

  • Chair: David Rhea, Governors State University
  • Vice Chair: Narissa Punyanunt-Carter, Texas Tech University
  • Vice Chair-Elect: Saklie Camara, California State University, Northridge
  • Immediate Past Chair: Sarah LeBlanc, Purdue University, Fort Wayne
  • Secretary: Christopher Rowland, University of Central Arkansas


2024 NCA Positions

  • Legislative Assembly

    • David Rhea, Governors State University
    • Sarah LeBlanc, Purdue University, Fort Wayne
  • NCA Nominating Committee
    • Sarah LeBlanc, Purdue University, Fort Wayne

CAD Membership (2013-2024)

Official count taken each January. 


Award Calls
Business Meeting Minutes
Interest Group Election