Language and Social Interaction Division

Language and Social Interaction Division logo

The Language and Social Interaction Division (LSI) provides a home to those who study how social life is produced and organized through situated conversation, language use, and embodied interaction. Members of LSI investigate the collaborative practices that shape our social worlds in a wide range of interactional settings, including, for example, classrooms, doctors’ offices, public meetings, work, and home, as well as interactions between and across cultural borderlines. The LSI tradition, though well established in the communication field, is interdisciplinary and draws on the related fields of anthropology, applied linguistics, sociology, sociolinguistics, and others. Language and social interaction scholarship is informed by a variety of research methods, including discourse analysis, conversation analysis, ethnography and micro-ethnography, pragmatics, narrative analysis, and other approaches to studying the subtle features of human interaction that constitute everyday life.

2024 Interest Group Leadership

  • Chair: Cynthia Gordon, Georgetown University
  • Vice Chair: Lisa Mikesell, Rutgers University and Natasha Shrikant, University of Colorado Boulder
  • Vice Chair-Elect: Leah Wingard
  • Immediate Past Chairs:
    • Michelle Scollo, College of Mount Saint Vincent)and
    • Brion van Over, Manchester Community College
  • Information Officers:
    • Sunny Lie Owens, California State Polytechnic University Pomona
    • Kellie Brownlee
  • Awards Chair: Cynthia Gordon


2024 NCA Positions

  • Legislative Assembly
    • Cynthia Gordon
    • Lisa Mikesell
  • Nominating Committee
    • Michelle Scollo

LSID Membership (2013-2024)

*Official count taken each January.


Award Calls


Business Meeting Minutes
Interest Group Election