Master's Education Section

Master's Education Section logo


The Master’s Education Section works to promote dialogue and scholarship engaging issues of master’s level education in the communication disciplines. To fulfill this purpose, the section creates panels and programs at NCA’s Annual Convention that examine and improve master’s level education. In addition, we sponsor a Top Papers by Master’s Education Students contest, the winners of which receive a modest award and present their work at the NCA Annual convention.

2024 Section Leadership

  • Chair: Ryan Neville-Shepard, University of Arkansas
  • Vice Chair: Jenna LaFreniere, Texas Tech University
  • Vice Chair Elect: Scott Varda, Baylor University
  • Immediate Past Chair: Jim Cherney, University of Nevada, Reno

2024 NCA Positions

Legislative Assembly

  • Ryan Neville-Shepard, University of Arkansas 
  • Jenna LaFreniere, Texas Tech University

NCA Nominating Committee

  • Ryan Neville-Shepard, University of Arkansas 

MES Membership (2013-2024)

Official membership taken each January.


Award Calls
Business Meeting Minutes
Interest Group Election