Disability Issues Caucus

Disability Issues Caucus logo


The purpose of the Disability Issues Caucus is to promote scholarship engaging issues of disability and communication.

The Disability Issues Caucus also serves NCA members in multiple ways. First, the caucus supports NCA’s commitment to inclusiveness and diversity by promoting accessibility to all NCA activities for all interested parties, especially through coordinating efforts with NCA leadership to meet both the letter and spirit of ADA laws. Second, in addition to its dedication to accessibility for all NCA members, the caucus also provides a forum for scholarship on disability and communication that includes the critical area of Disability Studies. Third, the caucus is dedicated to the integration of disability issues into communication pedagogy and curriculum. The caucus also strives to make connections with local, national, and international organizations, and scholars and activists of disability rights as we strive for equity and unity among all people.

2023 Interest Group Leadership

2023 NCA Positions 

  • Legislative Assembly: Davi Kallman
  • IDEA Council: Jim Cherney
  • Nominating Committee: 

DIC Membership 

Official count taken each January 

108th Annual Convention -- New Orleans, LA -- November 17-20, 2022

Convention Calls

Award Calls

Business Meeting  Agendas

Business Meeting Minutes
Interest Group Election