NCA Annual Convention

NCA 108th Annual Convention: Honoring PLACE: People, Liberation, Advocacy, Community, and Environment

NCA 108 Convention image
November 17 - 20, 2022
New Orleans, LA


NCA 108th Annual Convention
“Honoring PLACE: People, Liberation, Advocacy, Community, and Environment”
November 17-20, 2022
New Orleans, Louisiana

Walid Afifi

Now that the National Communication Association 108th Annual Convention is wrapped up, I want to thank all of you who made it a uniquely meaningful experience. From the more than 4,200 of you who attended, either virtually or in person, to those of you who joined community spaces and to the community members who joined our convention halls, to the National Office staff (with special recognition to Kristin Yednock, Director of Convention and Meetings) and the hotel staffs at the Marriott and Sheraton who made it all possible, to the Program Planners, the theme consulting group who helped me imagine the convention, to the sponsors, and to the friends and family who supported attendees and staff in ways that made participation possible, thank you!
More broadly, I so appreciate all those who took risks despite previous disappointments to submit papers and panel discussions, organize events and preconference sessions, and connect us in meaningful ways to community. Your risks, labor, and determination made so many members of our discipline feel seen, sometimes for the first time. We have a way to go before we can realize a fully accessible convention and inclusive discipline that so many of us hope to see. I am, however, deeply inspired by those of you who, in the words of our powerful Carroll C. Arnold Distinguished Lecture speaker, Dr. Ronald L. Jackson II, are “stand[ing] in the gap” and “show[ing] up to do the work.” I see you, and I thank you.
Now, we look toward the 109th Annual Convention in National Harbor, MD, where Dr. Marnel Niles Goins’ beautiful theme of “Freedom” invites us to continue moving toward an engaged and liberatory vision of our discipline. I hope to see you all there!


Walid Afifi
NCA First Vice President