NCA Research Cultivation Grants

August 10 - September 01, 2023


The Research Cultivation Grant (RCG) supports NCA’s mission to “foster professional success in research.” The specific goal of the RCG is to facilitate first-time grant-seeking for those without prior grant experience and/or those desiring to build a foundation for future grant pursuits. In this sense, RCG is a grant-seeding program with both short-term and long-term promise. Funded projects will have the potential to make significant contributions to the study and practices of communication. 

RCG-funded projects will be those proposing innovative research (such as understudied domains, novel or creative methodologies), internationalization (focused on historically marginalized groups in non-U.S. contexts, for example), and/or engaged scholarship (such as research mobilized in non-academic contexts of pressing social, civic, and ethical concerns, or that translates communication theory into practice). 

Applicants may seek support up to $15,000. Applications are due September 1 for awards given in following year.  


Apply now

Application Deadline is September 1, 2023.