Call for Reviewers

Call for Reviewers


Why Become a Reviewer?

Reviewing a proposal to the National Communication Association annual convention can be beneficial for several reasons.

  • Contribute to the advancement of communication scholarship by evaluating cutting-edge research. 
  • Engage with the latest trends and developments in the field of communication. 
  • Expand your professional network by connecting with scholars and experts from around the world. 
  • Enhance your own research and critical evaluation skills. 


What Does Reviewing Involve?

As a reviewer, you will have the opportunity to evaluate submissions in your areas of expertise. This may include research papers, panel proposals, interactive sessions, and more. Your feedback will help authors improve their work and contribute to the overall success of the convention. 


How to Get Involved:

If you are interested in becoming a reviewer for the NCA Annual Convention, please fill out the reviewer application form by April 5. We welcome reviewers from diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise to ensure a comprehensive and inclusive review process. Unit Planners are responsible for accepting and assigning reviewers based on their areas of expertise. 


Important Dates

January 30

Call for Submissions Opens


Reviewer Sign-up Opens

April 5

Submission Deadline (11:59 p.m. PT)  (Late submissions will not be accepted)


Reviewer Sign up Deadline

12 April to 8 May

Review Period

Late-June to early-July

Decision notifications sent to primary presenters

Early-mid July

Registration and Housing Opens

August 20

Online Program is Available

September 13

Early registration deadline



Frequently Asked Questions:

When is the convention proposal review process, and how do I sign up? 

You can sign up to review proposals between February 15-April 5. Reviews will occur between April 12-May 8. 


Do I need to be an NCA member to review proposals?  

NCA membership is not necessary to review, propose or participate in the annual convention. However, all reviewers, proposers, and convention attendees must have a Convention Central account. 


Can I serve as a reviewer if I plan to submit a proposal? 

Yes, you can sign up to review proposals even if you plan to submit a proposal for the upcoming convention. 


How can reviewers access the Reviewer Portal?

1. Login to Convention Central.

2. Click on "Reviewer Portal." (This will only display for reviewers that have been assigned submissions to review.)


3. Click on “Start Review.”


4. Click on the ID number to begin reviewing.


5. Follow along with the video tutorial below.


Does NCA provide a training video on how to navigate the Reviewer Portal?



Can I edit my reviews? 

Unfortunately, reviews are unable to be modified once submitted.   


How many proposals would I have to review, and what is the time commitment? 

The number of proposals you will be required to review is determined by the unit planners. You are encouraged to contact them to learn more. It should take approximately 15-20 minutes to read, consider, and complete the online feedback form for each proposal. 


Am I required to write comments? 

Yes. Reviewers are required to provide concise, constructive feedback to the submitters. Your comments will be anonymous unless you identify yourself in them. Key areas to address via comments might include: (1) complimenting what the author(s) did well, (2) concrete suggestions for improvement, and (3) specific advice on how to shift this proposal to the next level (e.g., if it is not yet a convention-ready exhibition, how can the author(s) get it there? 


What if I like the content of a proposal but I believe it should be presented in a different format? 

If a reviewer believes a proposed session should be presented at the national convention but needs to be reformatted (e.g. Scholar to Scholar), they will have the opportunity to provide an explanation their recommendation to the planner on the Reviewer Submission Form. 


Can I review more than the number of applications provided to me? 

Absolutely! Please email the unit planner if you are accepted as a reviewer and want to take on more applications.  


Questions or Concerns?

Contact your unit planner for questions regarding your acceptance and assignments. 

Contact if you have problems submitting the reviewer form or with the reviewer portal.