Communication Currents

Current Commentary

Communicators Speak

June 1, 2010
General Communication Studies

Dr. Steve Duck is the Daniel and Amy Starch Distinguished Research Chair at the University of Iowa. Focusing on everyday communication, Dr. Duck examines how people reveal information about themselves. Click to listen to his explanation. 


Dr. Mary M. Meares is Assistant Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Alabama. Her research on diversity in the workplace reveals that management can facilitate opportunities for employees to start casual conversations. Click to listen to her description.


Dr. Kate Hawkins is Professor of the Department of Communication Studies at Clemson University. She examines how people communicate about childhood obesity--noting that print journalism's approach to obesity revolves around personal responsibility, an approach not applicable to children. Click to listen to her explanation.

Dr. Brian Richardson is Associate Professor of Communication at the University of North Texas. His research examines the role of communication in community rebuilding after natural disasters. He finds that coordination among city leaders and communicating with parents on reopening schools were key activities.Click to listen to him describe his research findings.

Dr. Kathie Turner is a Professor of Communication Studies at Davidson College. Dr. Turner studies the rhetorical history of images of women in comic strips, especially young women who are lead or title characters in comic strips.Click to listen to her explanation.