Press Room

2024 NCA Mid-Career Scholar Writing Retreat at Auburn University

August 8, 2024

The 2024 NCA Mid-Career Scholar Writing Retreat at Auburn University took place from July 22 to July 26, with meetings held in Tichenor Hall.

Participants arrived on the first day, preparing for the retreat, which began with a welcome session, followed by discussions on writing persona and practices, and an opening dinner. From Tuesday to Thursday, daily activities included breakfast and mentoring sessions, morning and afternoon writing sessions, lunch with conversations and mentoring, and dinners with further discussions. Discussion topics over these days covered barriers to writing, promotion, publishing plans, revising, and responding to reviews. The retreat concluded on Friday with a final breakfast and mentoring session, a morning writing session, and a closing discussion focusing on planning for continued writing, culminating in an official wrap-up.

Professor Debra Worthington hosted participants and University of Memphis Professor Wendy Atkins-Sayre mentored attendees, including Wilkes University Associate Professor Evene Estwick, Richard Stockton College Professor Christina Morus and University of North Carolina at Charlotte Associate Professor Loril Gossett.