Press Room

How do Supreme Court Nominations Work?

February 19, 2016
Experts Available

Washington, DC - For much of American history, Supreme Court nominations attracted little public attention, but today, no single constitutional event produces more public interest and controversy (excepting, of course, presidential campaigns). The recent death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has sparked a heated debate about whether President Obama should nominate a new justice during the election year and whether the U.S. Senate should even consider his nomination.

Political Communication expert Dr. Trevor Parry-Giles can provide insight into the following:

  • What is the history of Supreme Court nominations during election years?
  • What is the constitutional role of the president and the Senate in the Supreme Court nomination process?
  • Why is the Supreme Court justice nomination and confirmation process so highly political?

On Tuesday, President Obama said he would nominate a Supreme Court associate justice who is “indisputably qualified for the seat.” Dr. Parry-Giles has studied the Supreme Court confirmation process in-depth and can provide expert commentary on the topic.  

WHO: Trevor Parry-Giles, Ph.D., Professor of Communication, University of Maryland, and Director of Academic and Professional Affairs, National Communication Association

Dr. Parry-Giles is the author of several books including The Character of Justice: Rhetoric, Law, and Politics in the Supreme Court Confirmation Process. He regularly lends his expertise to the media and has appeared in two documentary films and on the NBC Nightly News, the BBC, China Central Television, Maryland Public Television, and C-SPAN's Washington Journal. He has been quoted by the New York Times, the Washington PostUSA TodayThe London TimesPolitico, and the Wall Street Journal, among others.

CONTACT: To schedule an interview with Dr. Parry-Giles, please contact Natalia López-Thismón at or 202-534-1104.

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