Press Room

National Communication Association Urges Communication Scholars and Teachers to Help Communities Heal in the Wake of Shootings

July 29, 2016
Association News
Race/Class/Gender, Social Justice

Washington, DC - In light of the wave of violence that has left citizens and police officers dead in communities across the United States in recent weeks, the National Communication Association (NCA) has issued an Action Alert, encouraging the nearly 7,000 Communication teachers and scholars who constitute its membership to continue to use their communication expertise for the common good.

“Communication faculty are uniquely skilled at organizing and hosting public forums, teach-ins, and debates; in many instances, they are campus leaders when it comes to issues of social justice and civic engagement, and  have long been leaders in supporting issues of diversity, inclusion, and peace-building,” the alert reads. “ Thus, in keeping with NCA’s core principles, the organization calls upon Communication teachers and scholars to continue using best communication practices to help their communities seek healing.”

Read the Action Alert

About the National Communication Association

The National Communication Association (NCA) advances Communication as the discipline that studies all forms, modes, media, and consequences of communication through humanistic, social scientific, and aesthetic inquiry. NCA serves the scholars, teachers, and practitioners who are its members by enabling and supporting their professional interests in research and teaching. Dedicated to fostering and promoting free and ethical communication, NCA promotes the widespread appreciation of the importance of communication in public and private life, the application of competent communication to improve the quality of human life and relationships, and the use of knowledge about communication to solve human problems. NCA supports inclusiveness and diversity among our faculties, within our membership, in the workplace, and in the classroom; NCA supports and promotes policies that fairly encourage this diversity and inclusion.

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