Roommate Finding Form

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Introducing the NCA 110th Annual Convention Roommate Finding Form

We understand that attending the convention can be costly for our members. To help lighten the financial burden, we are excited to introduce the Roommate Finding Form. This tool allows you to find potential roommates for the convention, making it easier and more affordable to attend.

Fill Out the Form View the Repository


*Note* When in the repository, click the 3 line icon (circled in red below) to filter responses so that you can quickly find the perfect roommate to reach out to.


Roommate Repository Filter Example


By accessing the Roommate Match List (the “List”) provided by the National Communication Association (“NCA”) you agree to our General Release Terms & Conditions.




By accessing the Roommate Match List (the “List”) provided by the National Communication Association (“NCA”) you agree to the following:

  1.  By providing your personal information on the List, you represent that you have voluntarily and willingly provided truthful, accurate, and complete information and grant NCA to publish and distribute such information on the List for the purpose of allowing NCA Event attendees to obtain and independently arrange for roommate matching during the NCA Event. You agree that it is your responsibility to correct any inaccurate information and should you desire to remove your information, shall be responsible for contacting NCA to coordinate such removal.
  2. You understand and agree that it is not NCA’s responsibility to provide you with a roommate for the Event, and NCA only provides the List as a means to facilitate independent housing arrangements for the duration of NCA’s Event.
  3. You also agree to read and be bound by any and all Event polices/procedures, including but not limited to NCA policies and procedures, code of conduct, Venue rules and regulations and all applicable laws.
  4. You further understand and agree that NCA has not checked the background of, verified information about or otherwise screened or reviewed, program participants requesting inclusion in the List and NCA disclaims responsibility and liability for illness, personal injury, property damage, or lost or stolen property arising directly or indirectly out of the arranging roommate matches from this List. Users of the list hereby release NCA and waive any and all claims, losses and liabilities against NCA arising out of using the List.
  5. You understand that any costs associated with the Event not specifically provided for in writing are your sole responsibility. You further understand that NCA does not assume any responsibility for or obligation to provide you with financial or other assistance, including but not limited to medical, health, or disability benefits or insurance. You expressly waive any such claim for compensation or liability on the part of NCA in the event of injury, illness, or medical expenses you incur.
  6. You acknowledge that you are at least 18 years of age and you have read this entire document. You knowingly and voluntarily agree to be bound by its terms. You hereby waive all rights to claim punitive, incidental, or consequential damages, or any other damages, including attorneys’ fees, and further waive all rights to have damages multiplied or increased.