Member News & Notes

February 2, 2023


H. Dan O’Hair, Ph.D., who served as president of the National Communication Association in 2006, passed away on Dec. 31, 2022. He was 69. Many in the discipline, including his former students, fellow NCA members, and esteemed colleagues remembered O’Hair, the longtime University of Kentucky professor, bestselling author and prominent Communication scholar as a profound influence, a generous spirit, and a powerful communicator.



It is with great sadness that I write about my close friend, colleague and mentor William (Bill) Robinson, who passed away at age 76 on November 7, 2022. At the same time, I take joy in recalling and honoring his achievements as educator, leader, and administrator. Bill earned three degrees from the University of Kansas: a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and International Relations and both a Master of Arts and Ph.D. in Speech Communication and Human Relations. Bill joined the faculty at Purdue University Calumet (now Purdue University Northwest) in 1975, where he served his entire academic career. -- by Michael R. Moore