Regional Association News

Regional News
December 8, 2020

CSCA 2021 Annual Conference 

You are cordially invited to attend our 90th Annual Convention, which will take place March 23-28, 2021. Competitive papers, panel discussions, and performance sessions will reflect on the theme of Inspire.

Our many roles as teachers and scholars ask a great deal from us intellectually, emotionally, and relationally. Our annual conference provides us an opportunity to pause, reflect, connect, and reconnect with one another and with what inspired us to choose these lives we lead. When the conference is at its best, our connections often help us to reinvigorate our energy so that we can return to our homes to offer energy to our students, our colleagues, our families and friends, and our work. This is particularly true as we navigate through and out of the COVID-19 pandemic. How does our work inspire other individuals, communities, organizations, and societies toward their aspirations? How can we inspire our students? One another?

CSCA ConferenceCentral States is a space that is reinvented every time we gather together at the conference, every time we talk with a colleague, and every time we share our research, our teaching ideas, and our very selves. We are not a perfect organization. How can we inspire one another to create a welcoming space for all our members?

Faculty, students, independent scholars, and community members are all encouraged to attend the convention. Institutional and community partnerships are particularly welcome. Membership registrations are now open for the 2021 calendar year, so now is a great time to join or renew your membership

For questions about the 2021 annual conference, please contact 2021 Primary Program Planner Debbie Ford, at

CSCA Nomination Calls for 2nd Vice President and Executive Committee Member-at-Large

Members of the CSCA Nominating Committee invite self- and other nominations for 2nd Vice President and Executive Committee Member-at-Large positions. The 2nd Vice President will serve with members of the Executive Committee and will have the opportunity to plan the 2024 convention before assuming the presidency the following year. The Members-at-Large serve for a two-year term on the CSCA Executive Committee, providing governance for the organization. For more information, click on the following link.

All individuals nominated must be members of CSCA at the time of nomination. To self-nominate, please send a letter of interest describing your experience and goals for serving the association in the office you are seeking, along with your curriculum vita. If you wish to nominate another person, please have them send their letter of interest and curriculum vita and forward these materials with your nomination letter. All nomination packets should be submitted to Eddah M. Mutua, Chair, CSCA Nominating Committee, at by no later than January 15, 2021.

Call for Applications/Nominations - Communication Studies, Editor (2022-2024)

The Central States Communication Association (CSCA) is seeking nominations for the Editor of Communication Studies, 2022-2024. The next Editor will be responsible for issues published in 2022; this will necessitate a transition to the editorship and training on ScholarOne in spring and summer 2021. Self-nominations are encouraged. To be considered, nominees should be housed at a program that will offer the necessary support. 

Requirements and Responsibilities 

The Editor must be a member of CSCA at the time of application/nomination and must maintain membership in the Association throughout the editorial term. The Editor must attend all CSCA conventions throughout the term. Additional responsibilities include the following: 

  • Assembling an Editorial Board.
  • Promoting submissions to Communication Studies.
  • Promoting articles published in Communication Studies.
  • Increasing the scope and impact of Communication Studies.
  • Providing timely decisions and suitable feedback to authors via ScholarOne.
  • Assembling issues according to Taylor and Francis’ publication schedule.
  • Selecting special issue topics and editors.
  • Providing annual reports to the Executive Committee.
  • Serving as a member of the CSCA Executive Committee.

Applications should include the following: 1) a letter of nomination/self-nomination describing the candidate’s qualifications and editorial philosophy, as well as declaring a willingness to serve as editor of Communication Studies (2022-2024); 2) current vita with emphasis on scholarly activity and service to the profession; and 3) a letter of institutional support (noting such items as student assistance, course releases, and financial support, etc. as applicable). The deadline for submission is January 31, 2021, and review of nominations will begin in February 2021.

Pre-interviews with applicants/nominees and select members of the Executive Committee may occur via telephone or an online meeting platform. Finalists for the position will interview with the entire Executive Committee in March 2021 via an online meeting platform.

Please note that CSCA has made a commitment to equity and inclusion. As such, those who demonstrate a respect for a wide range of scholarship and/or who can bring diverse and inclusive views to the journal and Executive Committee will especially be considered. Additionally, editors that can extend on the internationalized efforts of the journal will be welcomed.

Nominations and/or questions are to be submitted to CSCA President Alberto González via email ( by January 31, 2021.

CSCA Award Calls

CSCA is currently accepting submissions for the following 2021 awards. Full award calls can be found here

Hall of Fame (Deadline: February 1, 2021): This award and membership in the CSCA Hall of Fame is given to those who have contributed to the discipline of Communication through meritorious scholarship, teaching/mentoring, participation at conventions, and service to the association. Queries and submissions should be addressed to CSCA President Alberto González:

Warren Mentorship Award (Deadline: December 15, 2020): This award, named in honor of the late and beloved Dr. John T. Warren, recognizes a mid-career scholar who exhibits some of the many virtues John himself exuded as a mentor, scholar, and engaged member of the discipline. Submissions and inquiries should be addressed to Committee Chair Lara Martin Lengel:


Western States Communication Association Journal Data 

The Western States Communication Association wants to highlight the good work being done in the association’s journals from some data Taylor & Francis has provided. Article downloads increased by 36 percent for the Western Journal of Communication and by 30 percent for Communication Reports since 2018-2019. We would like to highlight our most popular articles that were downloaded in the last year. 

If you are interested in checking out the most popular articles that come from Western Journals, please check out the latest Altmetric report