The Theatre, Film, and New Multi-Media Division promotes and supports the scholarship, teaching, and service activities of faculty who spend some or all of their time teaching, supervising, or creating theatrical performances. Speech and Theatre departments appeared in American universities and colleges, often together, in the early part of the 20th century. Many smaller schools still have "Communication Arts & Theatre" departments whose faculties often straddle many divisions within NCA. Members of the Theatre, Film, and New Multi-Media Division, therefore, often hold dual membership in other divisions. NCA Theatre, Film, and New Multi-Media Division is an affiliate organization with the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), established in 1999. This affiliation affords our members access to ATHE services, connections to 19 other affiliate organizations, and two slots at ATHE’s annual convention to promote NCA and share our scholarship and artistry. NCA’s Theatre, Film, and New Multi-Media Division welcomes scholarship on all aspects of theatre and performance and has demonstrated particular strengths in pedagogy and interdisciplinary case studies. Recognitions are offered for top papers, debut and contributed, at the NCA’s Annual Convention.
2024 Interest Group Leadership
- Chair: Deryl Johnson, Kutztown University
- Vice Chair: Kevin Brown, University of Missouri
- Vice Chair-Elect: Patricia Friel, University of Cincinnati
- Immediate Past Chair, Vicki Crooks, Oregon Institute of Technology
- Secretary: Prairie Endres-Parnell, Tarleton State University
2024 NCA Positions
- Legislative Assembly
- Vicki Crooks, Oregon Institute of Technology
- Prairie Endres-Parnell, Tarleton State University
- Nominating Committee
- Prairie Endres-Parnell, Tarleton State University
TFNMMD Membership (2013-2024)
*Official count taken each January.
Award Calls
Business Meeting Minutes
Interest Group Election